I must take a second to say, "Thank You" for becoming a part of the iKnifeCollector Community.

We're not quite two weeks old yet, and I am very pleased how our community has been received and supported. I knew it was going to be different for most collectors- a lot more interactive and even more personal, than anything else in the online knife world. Because of that I didn't quite know how it was going to go over.

Your feedback is very encouraging. Two messages stand-out- one member said, iKC is providing him a way to connect with other collectors. The other said, he re-connected with some old friends.

It really isn't about the knives, as you know. Instead it is about the people! I won't go getting mushy or anything like that, so don't worry :)....if you aren't a regular reader of CNJ or The News, you may not quite know how to take me- but I tell it like it is. Heck, I'm approaching 50 (in a couple of years) and I'm comfortable with my own skin.

We are still feeling our way around- and that is expected. It's new to all of us, but I was, and remain, convinced this type of site was exactly what we needed and that the time was right to launch it.

Remember how you are feeling right now about getting comfortable with how to do things here...trying to figure things out, like how to even load your My Page picture. And as new members join- let's extend our hand. They will feel the same way too. Some folks will simply give up- saying it's too techie for them, but we know better, so let's help all we can.

Last point- the goal for iKC is not to have the largest community on the web. Instead, it is to have the most active knife collector community on the web. We have 147 members now and, honestly, can stop right there, if we will just continue to reach out and get to know our fellow knife collector who is already here.

Thanks for allowing me to share a few things here. From time to time I reserve the right to express my appreciation to you for belonging to our community.

Views: 39

Tags: appreciation, how, members, new, to, welcome

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