I don't like it. No, I don't. You know that little red man picture- the default image representing a member who can't or won't load up a picture for us.
Folks don't tend to like change so just to up and change their default picture will rock their boat (I know this already because I changed it twice now- once for Halloween and then yesterday for Thanksgiving- both of those times was just for lite hearted fun :) )
So, to change it will upset some folks, BUT I don't like the red man.
If I were to change it to something else- what would it be? Got any ideas?
Remember now we do have members who are regulars here who don't know how to get a picture "in" their computer in order to load one up. I know this too because I've tried to explain it to some of them. I even told a couple to do a google image search for a pic they could use- (this was when I changed the red man to a pumpkin for Halloween and they didn't like it :) But to no avail. They couldn't figure it out.
I don't want something those folks won't like, BUT, like I said- I don't like the red man.
Ideas? Show me your suggestion.
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