Hi guys

Searhing around the internet one of the places I keep bumping into is Jay's Knives.  Looks like they have some real nice items.  I haven't made a purchase from them yet.  I have looked at and even written down the name/number/description of a few but haven't actually bought anything. 

Probably because you can only buy on the phone and it seem so strange to me in 2012 to have a web based company (or at least partly we based) but you are unable to actually buy anything via your web store.  (??)  Maybe it's just me though

Anyway, I was just wondering have any of you folks bought a knife from them?  How was the experience?  Do you recommend them?  I'm not going to tie you to it, just trying to get a sense of how things went.

Thanks!  p.s. my keyboard is having problems so I apologize for dropping my c's and adding extra s's and b's.



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Comment by Lee Saunders on January 2, 2013 at 18:43

That's a heck of a good question Jan.  I'm thinking that for a lot of folks(me included on many days) the answer might be.......yes.  It's unfortunate but I think it is true.  Mostly convnience but I think the "annon" abilities on the web infect a lot of other parts of our lives.  Some people become reluctant to be known

Comment by Jan Carter on December 9, 2012 at 13:47

You know, I have been thinking about this.............................

Is the convenience of just clicking buttons so attractive to us now that we are actually afraid of doing business with a company that wants to speak with us and get to know us as a customer?

Comment by stephen tungate on March 24, 2012 at 12:11

i would just stick with the ones that have good rep.there are many good knife places out there that you know you can trust.and have a web site..

Comment by TERRY FOX on March 24, 2012 at 11:54

did you ask if JJ Smith lll was the owner by chance???


Comment by Lee Saunders on March 24, 2012 at 11:05

Great suggestions Terry.  I will do that.  Was hoping some of you guys had dealt with them ut it doesn't look like it whivh is not a good response.  I trust you folks as far as places to buy knives.

Comment by TERRY FOX on March 24, 2012 at 6:00

what i do is go to BBB web site type in company name and see how many complaints have been filled the last 3 years and or Or type in the name of company with the word complaint after or before company name on your fav. search engine and see what everyone else says about them.

Comment by J.J. Smith III on March 17, 2012 at 11:37

Nope, no web purchase option.

White River Knives

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