Yeah, I know we have talked about those "blade-o-phobes" out there that freak out when you whip out your knife.

This happened yesterday.

I pulled out my LITTLE kershaw scallion to cut my friends tag off her notebook....the girl in front of me was like "oooh, you can't have that! that's illegal!" (she is hispanic and has a cute accent, so picture it that way)

I just rolled my eyes and put it back in my pocket.

Well today in my Photography class we were doing a project on shutter speed. I whipped out my little split pea lighter from county comm and we were doing awesome pictures with the flame, then I would move it in a circle in front of my face to get an awesome effect.

Well, when the teacher posted my picture up there...three people were muttering, but one of them said..."she can't have that!?"

I just wanted to scream, "Shut up!" omg...what is the big whoop! It isn't even a full size lighter or anything! good god.

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Comment by Donald Lee Hargrove on August 17, 2013 at 18:45

People are funny.  They will judge the danger of a knife by it's length or its handle.  Not the behavior of the person holding it.  Reminds me of a thing I read in one of the concealed carry books.  The author recommends that if you really think you might have to shoot somebody, carry a revolver, as juries find them familiar and not so scary.  LOL!

Comment by michael cassani on January 3, 2010 at 15:24
just read your story about the knife and the little lighter and the other students strange response. I sometimes feel as though it is our obligation to reeducate these people that are suffering from what i call the "sheep mentality". they just follow the others in the herd. The herd is being so heavily influenced by the mainstream media about all this terrorism baloney and that we need to be kept "safe" from all things dangerous in life; terrorists, guns, fire, anything that has a sharp edge on it etc. Will Nugroho has taken one interesting approach to the problem; just carry two knives. one that is non-threatening and one that really works as intended. I prefer to just carry what works best as a tool and then remind people that it is, first and foremost, a tool and not a weapon. This strange response from your fellow students is one i have experienced too. so many people have a very distorted perception of mans oldest tool.
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 15, 2009 at 19:07
Will, this really made sense to me! I didn't really realize that yes, many people have no idea the difference between assisted and auto! That's probably why people freak out as well!! I'm going to have to follow your lead and carry a "civilian-friendly" knife with me as well. We don't want to cause a panic now do we?

And to Dexter: OMG this was an awesome story! I can't wait to be in a situation like this so I can have an awesome come back.
Comment by Will Nugroho on May 15, 2009 at 10:40
You know, I just realized that except for my SAKs all my folders are one-hand openers, and many are flippers or assisted openers. Many people can't tell the difference between AO and autos, so when I open that knife real fast they think I carry an auto (which is illegal in most places). This is why I always EDC at least 2 knives: one serious folder and one small multi tool with itty bitty blade. If there are knife-hostile people around, I use the multitool.
Comment by William Cutting on May 15, 2009 at 0:22
I laugh at their dumb responses! Because eventually they will ask me if they can use my knife to cut something and then I tell them to go buy their own!
Comment by Martijn D. on May 14, 2009 at 14:39
Lol....its realy funny how people get scared/freak out when they see a ``tactical``/not normal EDC type of gear! I just keep laughing because when you grab your edc knife out of your pocket, it is to use it for a task, Opening a box or something like that....And 9 out of 10 time`s it is to do a task for the other person! xD Gosh, you are there to ``safe the day`` with your knife and you get that load of bullcrap... >.< Haha!
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 13, 2009 at 22:23
Even my county comm lighter?! EVERYONE HAS A LIGHTER THESE DAYS?!
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 13, 2009 at 22:23
right!? How frustrating is this!!?
Comment by Lisa Sebenick on May 13, 2009 at 19:03
G-O-O-D--G-R-I-E-F! I guarantee if any of those people which "chistised" you today, went home and asked their parents or grandparents what they used to do when they went out to recess 50, 40, no 30, no maybe it's only been 20, years ago, they'd say, "Throw knives....," or "Mumbley Peg.....," or "Carve on a stick." What's our world coming to?
Comment by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on May 13, 2009 at 15:46
Great post! I've always thought a lady with a knife was very special. My wife carries a couple, to open packages and cut the labels off little gifts.

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