This is totally off the wall, but it really made my day!

I JUST watched the news and they said that at our local Starbucks (we have like 10, but this one happened to be the one I go to!) someone decided to be nice and pay for the drinks for the person behind them (in the drive through).

It caught on and went on for 34 cars!

34 CARS!?

I love my town!

How nice is that!?

Views: 31

Tags: forward, it, nice, pay, people, starbucks

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Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on January 8, 2010 at 20:05
aren't people just so ignorant. I get a lot of comments on my videos about how I shouldn't use a knife in self defense. Thank you. LOL I will remember that. But seriously, do people think I'm some crazed paranoid freak!? Maybe I make myself out to be one! LOL But I would run...for reals. (and I always have my whistle with me!!)
Comment by michael cassani on January 3, 2010 at 15:51
You really have some fascinating blogs and discussions on IKC Wilma. Just commented on the "strange" students response to your ubuiquitous little lighter. I hope you are not a terrorist ? har har. What do you do with that knife, go around and randomly stab people with your little Kershaw too ? you bad girl.....hardee har.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on May 10, 2009 at 8:54
That's a cool idea. Might try it. I'm in a fast food 'bout everyday.
Have you seen the TV commercial...don't know what it's for, but everybody does a favor for each other...one guy keeps another from walking out in front of a car...then that guys does something nice for another and it carries on. Good thought.

White River Knives

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