So I've been making videos on youtube for only a few months (december i think) and i've normally had really good and nice comments so far.

Well, I've had two really rude comments in the past week and I'm started to get a little discouraged.

Today I got one on my Delica review that said, "this is why girls cant do reviews, they stink at it"

So I clicked on this dude's channel...he is like 13 or something. Of course as all haters are...they either don't have videos up at all so they have nothing to talk about...or their videos suck.

Well, I shouldn't hate on a little kid...but his videos are crappy quality, low volume, can't understand a word he says...you know the usual. He only has two videos up..

Gosh, I'm so horrible for bashing on a little kid. But how rude is that? To leave such a rude comment when your videos are crappier than mine!? ugh.

Also, I had one guy in another of my videos tell me I needed to stop eating because it was bad for me. This really hurt me...i seriously have a medical condition that has gotten worse over the past couple of years that I'm actually going to the doctor for this friday! In high school I was drop dead gorgeous and weighed 110 lbs.

I hate to be all full of self pity but because of this condition I have been so self conscious for these past couple years...then this guy just for no freakin reason tells me that.

I just needed to vent...I will be better tomorrow.

It helps to know that people actually do like my videos! I got my 100th subscriber today! That means something right?!

Also, I know that us youtubers get a lot of crap because, let's face it, there are just plain mean people out there in the world and when they are behind a computer it gets even worse.

Anyway, I want to thank Scott for making this awesome website community! I have never felt so welcomed and appreciated! I love it here and I hope to make some lasting friendships!

thank you to everyone for supporting me and my hobby...and most of all my videos!

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Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 9, 2009 at 18:54
thank you so much eric!
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 7, 2009 at 21:55
ally, that is SO funny that they tell you to get in the kitchen! i got one too! this guy said that the only knives i should know about are the ones i use in the kitchen! hilarious!

yeah, I bet I will become callused to their nasty remarks...but it irked me because it was only like two or three mean comments, I'm sure once I hit the number 5 mark or so, I will stop caring.

OH! and THANK YOU for the luck and I'm stoked about my 100 subs! yay!
Comment by Ally Burnham on May 7, 2009 at 16:44
Sister I feel your pain.
At least once a day I get a hater (usally male) informing me that I don't know anything about knives and that I should get back to the kitchen.
It's not just the kids I'm sad to say. On REALLY mean comment I got was by some guy who was 55!
This is gonna sound bad but I don't pay any attetion to them any more. I have become numb to their stupidy.
It soooo easy to be mean to some one when the hater doesn't have to look you in the eye and worry about you hit them.
Kids these days are in two groups...the pretty ok kids and the punks. I just end up dismissing the punks their propably not going any where in life anyways.

Good luck at the doctors and Congrats on 100 subs!
Comment by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 7, 2009 at 11:11
OMG! Kids are freaky! I was one not too long ago and none of that stuff was happening! Like this kid was like cussing in one of his own comments on his video something like, "u rob meh i f**in keeel u" something dumb like that...

where is this kid's parents?!

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on May 7, 2009 at 7:44
Good morning, Wilma
Here's the way I see it. It is really easy to take pot-shots at folks, esp. if the person doing the shooting doesn't have a personal relationship with the target. Plus, it's really easy for "shooter" to hide behind a computer- but would never attack that same person if they were sitting across the table from each other.
I've found folks don't shoot at friends thought. One of the challenges with the "flattening of the world" brought to us by the web is the danger of lack of personal connectivity, which is why I am tickled (if I can use that manly man term LOL) about iKC. We connect with each other here.
Thanks for the message.

White River Knives

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