Knives 2010, The World's Greatest Knife Book- A must have for all knife enthusiasts

While its billing as The World's Greatest Knife Book may be a little over the top, Knives 2010 is a must have for all knife lovers.

It's Krause Publications' 30th Anniversary Edition and it is chocked full of over 1000 high quality knife photos of all makes and models. (Granted 1000 pictures pales in comparison to iKC's over 5000 pictures, it is still a wonderful view of custom made knives by today's top makers.)

If you like to look at cool knives- you gotta get Knives 2010. Even though you have to order it and flip through it the old fashion way, it's still worth it.

In addition to the pictures, Knives 2010 provides a comprehensive directory of custom knife makers and articles.

While I recognize many iKC members aren't into custom knives, I promise you this- many of these knives will rock your world.

If I can get my way next year iKC will be listed in this directory under Knife Organizations. We probably would have made it this time, but iKC had just been formed around the time of their print deadline. FYI: So far, I've had a difficult time getting iKC recognized by some of the establishment in the knife world, except for the National Knife Collectors Association, because it is not a "conventional" knife club. But if you know anything about me by now, you know I tend to shake up the establishment when it's in the best interest of our hobby, so hide and watch. :) Plus, iKC isn't a knife club anyway- it's a knife collector community!

Views: 98

Tags: Knives 2010, book, directory, review

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Comment by Bruce Bump on October 12, 2009 at 23:28
Its a wonderful annual with full color photos from professional photographers. I buy one every year. I heard the makers index is from last years annual. A real blunder but besides that its a must buy book.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 24, 2009 at 23:07
Just playing around, but found this in this cool ebay widget

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 23, 2009 at 12:38
I'm at work and don't have it. Here is it http://www.krausebooks.com/product/Knives-2010/knife-books

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 23, 2009 at 11:12
Don't know. It can be ordered from Knife World or Krause Publishers.
Hope this helps.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 22, 2009 at 15:19
Thanks Max. I was a bit surprised when I saw CNJ listed. Glad to see CNJ acknowledged in the knife world dominated by print media, well it is for now anyway.

One day, though I will be old(er) and gray (bald, actually) maybe most all collectors will be computer and web users, of course by that time, we'll have a true virtual community with real virtual houses, virtual money and virtual knife making. In fact, I'm already planning for that day- got our name already bought- iKNIFEWORLD.COM....you think I'm kidding, don't you? :)

Comment by T.A.DAVISON on September 21, 2009 at 20:37
Can't wait to get mine and look at all the purdy pictures.

I should have ordered it the other day and saved on the shipping. Oh well.... I'll get a copy.

Comment by Brad Hyde on September 21, 2009 at 18:24
Quote from Scott....."I've had a difficult time getting iKC recognized by some of the establishment in the knife" world"
Scott....IMHO, some of the reason maybe that not everyone is computer literate. Every show I do I run across knife people/collectors that don't have a computer or don't know how to use one. I know this because when I pass out my business card (which has my email address) , I tell them just drop me an email if you have any questions or I can help you with anything knife related...ect. They will often ask if it's ok just to call me on the phone and then they explain to me that they don't use computers.

White River Knives

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