Pandemic Boredom and a Credit Card = More Knives!

Had nothing better to do so I bought a couple more knives, Buck 300 Series naturally. No particular collector value, but I just liked them. First is a very nice 2002 Buck #310 Whittler, at 3" closed it is same size as a #309 Companion. I have a couple other of these and gave another away recently, so it is a frame that I like, and I think this one is the best of the bunch. The #310's are the best Whittlers I own, none of mine rub their blades and leave marks, not so with my Case Seahorse Whittler which has a very visible scratch down the master blade from the coping blade that happened day 1, (grrrr!). These little knives are built very well, too bad they were discontinued. The other is a 2004 #303 Cadet with wood grain handles, no special meaning to me other than it had wood handles that I liked, and it had nice shiny & flawless blades, (and worth it at $10). Both were made in San Diego prior to Buck moving to Idaho in 2006. I have often maintained that Buck factory knives made between 1987 and 2006, especially the slip joints, were the best knives they ever made in-house, every one I have from that period is of the highest quality, and knives after that from the Idaho factory simply do not compare as far as quality is concerned, IMHO. That's it for today, have a great week.

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Comment by Syd Carr on December 20, 2020 at 20:24

Same here, I wrote down the numbers so I would have them if needed because I knew they would take a beating. Oh well, being a knife addict must be better than other addictions. I say that to myself all the time to justify my actions. Happy Holidays Beth!

Comment by Beth Medeiros on December 20, 2020 at 20:17

The numbers are worn off my credit card : (

White River Knives

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