Supporting the National Knife Museum...worth it!

The National Knife Museum is the care taker of all things knife related.  They have created a time line of Human and Cutlery History spanning over 100,000 years of Man and Knife interaction.


W.R. Case & Sons Time line, Buck, Great Eastern Cutlery,

Mora of Sweden, Frost Cutlery, Boker, Hen & Rooster, Remington and many other popular Cutlery Company time lines.


Custom Knives by Moran, Cronk, Lile, Draper, Keeslar, Mr.

& Mrs. Casteel and many others.


Specialty Cutlery including Medical, Boy and Girl Scouts,

Whittling, Miniatures, Fruit Knives, Stationary, Hygiene and more from around the WORLD


Sword Display of 26 various swords and short swords,

Pioneer Swords, and other Exotic pieces.


While there is no admission to visit the National Knife Museum, Donations are welcomed and needed.

Here is how YOU can help


 We cannot actually do a raffle, they come under some weird heading in Internet rulings.  What we can do is recognize each person donating.  So for those that wish to donate 10.00 or more, I will put everyone's name on a spread sheet and when the donations reach $200.00 I will have a third party pick a number. A special Thank you will come in the form of this knife to the name picked. No obligations, let's just have some fun with this, it is solely for the benefit of the National Knife Museum.  All monies collected will be donated.



Donate by clicking HERE

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Comment by Carl Bradshaw on May 26, 2013 at 19:37

Curious what the status of the donations to the NKM for the "knife raffle".  Did we hit $200 yet?

Comment by Jan Carter on April 20, 2013 at 20:30

The museum is a great place to visit.  Our offering is getting a fairly good response but not at the 200 mark as of yet

Comment by Jan Carter on April 3, 2013 at 17:03

Although the Keen Kutter is being offered by iKC, the museum is having a raffle for a knife!  If our offering is not your style, the NKM offering may be right up you alley

Comment by Carl Bradshaw on March 31, 2013 at 11:07

That is amazing.  I actually have serial #001, but this serial number #000!!!

White River Knives

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