IM thankful for getting into knives at a early age and able to pass this passion on to my kids,and to share this great hobby with them.greatful for all the great friends that share this addiction with me.knife people are a different breed,its not only the knife,its the friends and the adventure along the way! YEA its all good.

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In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on November 24, 2013 at 20:27

BTW,when I was just 16, and I'll be 60 in a couple of weeks, a gentleman offered me $8000 for just  my brothers and my cowboy collection of comic books. I rushed home to share the good news, only to find my dad at our burn barrel where he had just burnt our entire collection of comic books and baseball cards on the very same day!!  Another reason I love knives, they don't burn easily !! ;) ;)

In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on November 24, 2013 at 20:09

My father, who is now 90 ,bless his heart, had an unfortunate attitude. New is better than old, and he just didn't grasp the concept of collectibility. He burned thousands of dollars worth of comic books and baseball cards belonging to me and my two older brothers without asking us because they were "old"  Examples, A Mickey Manttle rookie card and the comic with the first appearance of "Spiderman" as well as many others. He did, however, inderstand the value of "tools" being a farmer all his life. Knives to him,were a tool, and not something to be thrown away . Thankfully,my brothers and I still posess most of the knives from our childhood, as well as the knives our parents and other family posessed. Thus, my love of knife collecting from an early age which has continued,along with my brothers, for more years than I care to count.

Comment by Doug Gerdes on November 24, 2013 at 19:44

One of man's oldest tools, perhaps one of the first, thank God we live in a country where you "can still" collect, own, use and most times carry blades of all types. I personally keep a stock of basic Rough Riders to pass out to friends, especially the young ones that may have never had a classic pocket knife. To me a pocket knife is one of the most wonderful gifts a young person can receive.

Comment by Chuck Parham on November 23, 2013 at 7:09

I am also thankful for discovering this passionate endeavor called knife collecting. I've been at it a short time but my knowledge has grown tremendously. I now have a room devoted to it. I have my grandson in training as a novice collector. I've met so many great people through it. I've seen things I've never seen or heard of before. I'm beginning to become a fixture at some local estate sales. Some of the organizers know what I'm looking for as soon as they see me walk in and direct me to any knives for sale.

I love this hobby and every avenue that it develops. I do have one question. When I first started collecting everyone said you'll find one particular thing that you will collect more than all others. Uh, when does this happen???? I'm still all over the board with patterns, handle materials, manufacturers, etc. Did I miss a memo or something?

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on November 22, 2013 at 12:02

I thought I was the only knife collector in the world, until I found IKC. I am glad to be here and have my IKC friends.

Comment by peter force on November 22, 2013 at 8:06

john i agee...i just wish when i collected comics..i had started my knives then. LOLOL... if i collected the sanme way i do now. i would ned another hme just to keeo one brand in... OH YES IM THANK FULL!!...GOD BLESS ME ,YOU and ALL!    iKC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Randall Vaughn on November 22, 2013 at 8:03

I;m the same way enjoy the collecting Ienjoy more the friends I've made along the way

Comment by Alexander Noot on November 22, 2013 at 7:09

I'm bet you are John. I'm the same way. Even more glad I got into knife MAKING....although that's probably costing me more money than collecting hahahaha

Comment by Jason Oncedisturbed Riley on November 22, 2013 at 6:56

Agree fully as well, came into knife collecting in my late teens / early 20's and been going on ever since and coming from a military family, the hold a bit closer to me than others. Now my son who is 12 is getting into the swing of things as well and has started of with generic multi-tools, generic versions of the swiss army knife, maxam key chain folders and it keeps going :)

Comment by Jan Carter on November 21, 2013 at 17:09

You absolutely correct John.  Even those that have come into collecting later in their lives are finding joy in the hunt/history and find.  Thankfully we have good folks willing to share and help.  They in turn share and help with folks they know.  I too am grateful to be in this great hobby

White River Knives

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