What do you makers do with scrap/leftover material?

I made this from all leftovers (apart from the sheath), and it made me wonder. Does anyone else recycle/re-use/fiddle around with leftovers like I tend to do?



I do this because this is an expensive hobby and I try to get the most out of each and every piece of materials that I can.


Am I just cheap or is this a normal process?

Views: 87

Tags: alexander, custom, knife, knifemakers, knives, noot, scrap

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Comment by Jan Carter on August 4, 2011 at 18:39
Its not cheap.... its resourceful, earth friendly and just good sense.  I wish everyone would use as much of every product that they or someone else could.  It would teach our children to be better stewards of the earth and maybe even some patience
Comment by Alexander Noot on July 31, 2011 at 0:20
Hey capt jeff, actually this is all stock removal leftovers, offcuts etc.
Comment by stephen tungate on July 30, 2011 at 19:06
i think it is a great to use all you can.and if you do not won't the scraps.give them to someone that does the same thing you do and help them out because alot of us beginner knife makers would welcome scraps because the stuff is not cheap.

Comment by CaptJeff Saylor on July 30, 2011 at 16:01

thats a great looking knife!

i do stock removal, so all my scrap hit the floor, and eventually get swept up and thrown away.


i guess you have found another benefit of forging!

White River Knives

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