Where is the Best Place to get a Knife Deal

So many places to get a deal on a knife. You have the internet so of course you can go to eBay or you can go to your local walmart or hardware dealer. You can even get deals on knives at the flea market. You can even get deals from knife shows on t.v.or even better yet you can get a custom knife made for you the way you want it. Right here on iKC where some of the best knife makers in the world. I like custom knifes and the factory ones. When I buy I like to put in my hand, see what they feel like and check how straight the blades are and how much walk and talk. So I think just like my father and his father before him. I still like going to the local hardware store where you can check your knife out right away,and the feel you get when you get it home and can show everyone your new buy.What do you guys think? Where would you go to get your knife deal?......

Views: 553

Tags: Knife, custom, deals, factory, feel, places

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Comment by Stan T on December 23, 2011 at 9:02

The two that come to mind for me and have treated me very well are two I do not see here anywhere. Both a very customer friendly and Roger at  Knifeworks has on many occasions gone out of his way to help me and find a knife I need. Knifeworks by far is my #1 source. I highly recommend them.



Comment by Shlomo ben Maved on October 22, 2011 at 3:35
Comment by Shlomo ben Maved on October 22, 2011 at 3:33
Comment by Shlomo ben Maved on October 22, 2011 at 3:29
Comment by Terry Waldele on October 19, 2011 at 3:21

Hi Stephen,

One of my favorite places to look for good knife deals is our local gun and knife shows (in Portland and Hillsboro, OR).  I also watch Craigslist and the classified ads.

Comment by Jan Carter on October 17, 2011 at 18:54


Can you make sure that one gets on the event calendar please?

Comment by Lee Smith on October 17, 2011 at 18:46
James I'm going to be there. I go every time I can.
Comment by Trent Rock on October 17, 2011 at 2:23

You can even get deals from knife shows on t.v.

I hope you are not talking about The Cutlery Corner!!..lol

I get my old knives on EBAY, antique shops, flea markets, garage sales, Bladeforums "for sale" section and thrift shops
The name of the game is asymmetrical information
Try and specialize in a certain type of knife (or company)
Then you can buy the ones that you feel are undervalued...

New knives===>EBAY , Buck Knives Inc(.com) and One Stop Knife Shop (The owner owns Bladeforums and I like him and his business model)


As far as "holding the knife" as a requirement ==>

That is a personal choice

Holding a Knife Before Purchase......For A Price?

Having BIG, CLEAR pictures is the main requirement I have (and of course, dealer reputation) for buying knives on The Net....

Comment by Jan Carter on October 16, 2011 at 17:20
I can swear to all of that James!
Comment by Lee Smith on October 16, 2011 at 10:55
James let me know the next time your in Oklahoma.

White River Knives

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