I go to garage sales. Not much there.  Antique stores. I find a few but most are real bad condition. Mostly I buy new knives that catch my eye off of the net or gun shows. E-bay scares me because I know there are a lot of people who will rip you off and I'm not good enough to tell the good from the bad. Any ideas are welcome.

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Comment by Lee Smith on October 9, 2011 at 11:29
If i could just get skill, equipment and the know how I might be able to make a knife like that. lol I have a long way to go.
Comment by Jan Carter on October 9, 2011 at 10:30
How right you both are, Stephen I forgot about hoppinmadhillbilly LOL
Comment by stephen tungate on October 9, 2011 at 10:18
there are many custom makers on this site that you can trust that have great knives. and you can tell them what you want and they will make it for you.if your looking for production knives smkw is a good place and also the hoppingmadhillbilly.com and show has really nice knives and also shepard hills cutlrey.......
Comment by Billy Oneale on October 7, 2011 at 22:50
I get the majority of mine from SMKW and the rest from some dealers on ebay that I have had good luck with. I have looked at some pawn shops and never find anything except for some of the junk that J.J. talked about.
Comment by Jan Carter on October 7, 2011 at 18:37

ROFL, probably so....I am usually looking for razors when I am in one

Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 7, 2011 at 18:04

Hey Jan, Last time I went to an antique store, they had an entire section of knives. 


(Same stuff that Tom Odell peddles 4 nights a week.) 

Comment by Jan Carter on October 7, 2011 at 17:56

Always wonderful to feel the knife before buying, just not always practical.  Had good luck with both SHC and SMKW but all those are on road trips becuase we dont have one close.  I have bought many ebay knives with good results (always make sure it says this is the knife you will receive) and almost all of my new collection is internet based.  What works for us is find a dealer, even if it is internet based and mostly we stick with that dealer.  There are many IKC folks that are dealers or use specific dealers depending on the product line your looking for.  If you ask in the group for that line of knives here you may get some good suggestions for dealers within that line also.

I do love a good antique store hunt though

Comment by Lee Smith on October 7, 2011 at 17:15

We can drive to shepard hills in a couple of hrs. I also have had good luck with SMKW. We do like the road trips. It's a family thing with us. Dad, my sister and myself all collect. We all collect different types of knives so it is a lot of fun.


In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on October 7, 2011 at 14:48

I've ordered a # of my current production Queen from this gentleman ...  C.Risner.Cutlery ...  not the best for communication i.e. No e-mail notification of shipment. But I always get the product @ a decent price.

Like JJ .. I've nothing bad to say about SMKW. They hold a fantastic inventory & ZERO bad experiences w/ SMKW.


My closest CASE master dealer is Shepard Hills.. always a welcome stop .. but, rarely a deal !!! I buy more sharpening accessories there than actual cutlery.



Comment by Peggy Lu on October 7, 2011 at 13:29

Since most of what I like is discontinued, I usually end up either ordering from Case Knife Outlet or Collector Knives ... but those road trips to check out the Master Dealers are hard to beat. 

White River Knives

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