Thought I would put this on my blog page, I'm still struggling a little with the format of this forum, so I thought I would post today's collection of booty here. The little "city" next door, (Morro Bay, Ca; pop 10,000), is having their annual "Community Yard Sale" weekend, and here is what I scored today. The highlight was a Camillus USA nautical knife, jigged brown bone handle, no dents, scratches, very sharp main blade, and a beautiful patina. I'll be posting a photo of that on Tobias' Nautical knife thread, but thought I would share it here first. I found out that the spike blade locks, and is released via the clip ring, so now I know that clip is for more than clipping onto a lanyard. This is my first Camillus, and my first nautical knife. I was looking for knives in general, and this one was being held back by the guy at one sale because he was afraid it would get shoplifted, and decided to keep it inside until someone asked, "do you have any pocket knives?", which is what I did. The guy went inside and came back out with this knife. He said "make an offer", while I tried to contain my excitement, so I lowballed him with $15, he came back with $25 and wouldn't budge, (I did try, but he held firm). I saw a nice brass belt buckle on the table that said "World's #1 Dad" on it, and since I like to think of myself as that I told the guy I'd pay the $25 if he threw in the belt buckle, so I got them both for $25.

The two fixed blades are supposed to be from Nepal, and since I knew the guy selling them I trust what he said about them, (they look Pakistani to me). I got a camera tripod, a desk lamp, and those two fixed blades for $25. The larger of the two is stag handled, (according to him it is; I'm pretty sure that's true), the smaller one is wood. Not exactly sure exactly what type of knife they are called, so perhaps Tobias can enlighten me on that. Since I didn't have any knives like them in my collection, I caved and decided to grab them. Down the street at another sale I found the little black folder. It just says "Stainless Japan" on it, but it was cheap...got that one for a quarter. The handle is pretty pocked from use, but the blade is tight and sharp & locks well, so I'll clean it up, sand down the handles to smooth them out, and keep it as a "give away" knife.

I probably paid too much for the fixed blades, but considering the other booty that came in the deal I'm satisfied, especially with the nice tripod, (hope it improves my photography skills...NOT!!!). I'm totally thrilled with the Camillus however, and though I suspect I paid about what it is actually worth, I'm tickled to own it as an heirloom to pass down in the family.

Due to the community yard sale going on in town, the local hardware store, (an Ace franchise), had their annual "no sales tax" day to take advantage of the people who come from miles around for the yard sale. Sales tax in our county is nearly 9%, so that's nothing to sneeze at. I had a $5 off coupon for the store too, so I dropped in between yard sale stops and grabbed a Steel Warrior Red Jigged Bone Trapper, so with my coupon deducted I snagged the knife at an even $14.99. Like many Frost knives it is well-made, and came with the familiar red arrow indicating a Rockwell tested blade. Though this was "Community Yard Sale" day, it was "splurge on knives" day for me. That put me at around $65 for five knives, (one brand new), a tripod, (a good one), a good desk lamp, and a few odds 'n ends tools. Not a bad day.

The community yard sale continues all day tomorrow, there are literally hundreds of them still going on all over town that I haven't been to yet, so my plan is to get up early, do a quick swap meet run to the San Luis Obispo drive-in theater, then shoot back up Hwy 1 to Morro Bay to look for more yard sale treasures. I'm sure what's left will be pretty picked-through, but maybe I'll run into another cool hidden treasure or two. All I know is I won't find any if I don't go out and look, so wish me luck!

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Comment by Syd Carr on April 21, 2015 at 17:08

Thanks John, and congratulations on winning that Oocee River! Glad I didn't win actually, it would be embarrassing after the spectacular 10 days in knifedom that I've had!

And, thanks for the info on NYK. I've been holding that little knife and admiring it all day, thinking the same thing you just said about it's condition and coolness...wow, what a find indeed. You're right, the handles on this knife are superb, and I was getting a little confused regarding it's origins. You have cleared most of that up...thank you. Finding the tang stamp on a list of Imperial stamps threw me off, but now it makes more sense.

I have looked on the bay for a couple of days now for this knife, and you're right about that too. I haven't seen a single one out there with jigged bone, the only similar was a slightly larger pearl handled knife, and a few jack knives. However, I would consider selling the Hermes way before this little jewel. I think it is warm, comfy and happy to be right where it is right now, in my  pocket. I think I want it to stay there as a "show off" piece and EDC.

In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on April 21, 2015 at 16:40

Syd- Your New York Knife Co./ Hammer brand dates to circa 1882-1931-- The earliest Hammer Brands only had the image of the arm and hammer-- The words Hammer Brand were added in 1882--These early NYK CO./ Hammer  Brands rate 3 out of 4 stars as to collectibility and value, where as the later Imperial/Hammer Brands rate 1 out of 4 stars !!- Just an educated guess on my part, but I think you knife is fairly early in that 1882-1931 time frame--Yours is in remarkable good shape for that vintage and is very sought after and collectible--I can see it easily selling in the $100+ range to a knowledgable knife collector.-- BTW, in my searches for your knife, I could not come up with the same knife pattern anywhere, so it is probably pretty scarce. Plus, those are very finely done jigged bone handles and New York Knife Co. was a very important part of knife history-- Another great find !!

Comment by Syd Carr on April 21, 2015 at 11:10

Jan, were the photos I posted of the New York Knife Co stamp & Hammer stamp adequate for you to see? Let me know.

Here are some further photos of the Russian knife showing the tang stamp, and the logo on the handle. Hope you can find out more about it. Thanks for helping.

Comment by Syd Carr on April 20, 2015 at 21:42

I believe you Jan, I just can't believe that I am that lucky!! Again....Wow!! Believe me, I AM NOT that lucky, (normally). Maybe it's not luck though, as I bought a couple of lottery tickets the other day and got nuthin', so it must be a fluke.(But considering the Camillus, the Hermes, and now this...doesn't make much sense, but seeing is believing).

Well then, how old is it? Were the photos I added enough to help identify it? I suppose I should ask the son in law to come over with his camera to see if I can get some better photos.

Thank you Jan, I would most likely have never known the skinny on the Hermes, or this knife if not for you. I owe you one bro!

Let me know if you come up with any more info. I'll get more photos of the Russian knife tomorrow.

In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on April 20, 2015 at 21:19

Syd-- Let me reiterate this fact-- Your Hammer Brand/ New York Knife Co, pen blade knife was made years before Imperial or Schrade had anything to to do with the Hammer Brand trademark-- Therefore, that Imperial Brand chart you are referring to has no meaning as to your knife. Your knife pre-dates that company and all of their tang stamps !!

Comment by Syd Carr on April 20, 2015 at 21:17

Thanks for the link Jan, and for confirming our common addiction.

John, this is the best I can do with the equipment I have to work with, (see below). I also put it under a strong light, and used a 4X magnifying glass and compared the stamp to the diagram below, (same as on the thread that Jan pointed out), and I believe now that this is a 1936-37 knife. The arm has that little extra rolled up sleeve compared to the '38-'41 stamp, so I'm going to call it 1936-37. My (very) older brother was born in '37,  so I thought briefly, (very briefly), about giving him this knife, but naww, I'm keeping it.

You can see that the stamp is there, but I just can't get a better photo with my camera. My son in law has an Iphone 6 with a gazillion mpx camera on it, I might try to get him to take a better photo, but for now this is the best I can do. Whadduya think? Whether it's a '36, a '41, or a whatever; I'm just glad I found it. Any idea whether the handles are bone? (Looks like it to me).

Comment by Jan Carter on April 20, 2015 at 19:28


Yep, you are hooked!  And doing very well at it I might add!!  Just know that you can always check here for dating and tangs also


Comment by Syd Carr on April 20, 2015 at 19:15

Sorry for the delay in responding John, and thank you so much for the info on the Russian knife. I'll try to get a better photo(s) of it, but the only tang stamp I can see looks like an "L" to me, (or something resembling an "L"). I'll get better photos posted ASAP.

I've been on grandpa duty in a neighboring town today, (tomorrow too), and just got home, so I'll do my best to get photos of the tang stamp on that Hammer Brand knife and post them too, (when I recover from chasing an 8 month old around all day....amazing how fast that kid can crawl, he will leave me in the dust when he starts walking....I'm totally exhausted right now). The tang stamp on the Hammer knife is definitely worn, and getting a good photo with my camera will be difficult. I can make out the arm & hammer pretty well. USA does not appear anywhere, (other than on the small blade), as in later dated knives, so according to the chart I posted below this knife was built sometime between 1936 & 1941. There were two different logos during that period, (according to the diagram), but even with a magnifying glass I can't tell the subtle difference between the two. I'm also not sure whether the handles are bone or something else, perhaps you would know about what materials they were using and can clue me in. One thing I DO know is that the knife is remarkably preserved for it's age, (especially coming from a swap meet), and after cleaning it looks very good indeed.

Wow, I guess my life-long avocation as a "junker" is paying off! Just luck of the draw actually, but you don't find if you don't go looking, so I attribute these finds to happenstance, a trained eye for good "stuff", and the fact that I am constantly "looking".

The guy I got them from at the swap had bought "several" knife collections over the years, (he said), and told me he will bring more of them out in the following weeks, so who knows what he will show up with. He showed me an old Schrade Walden, single blade, button lock, no bolsters 3.5 " folder he carried in his pocket that was obviously ancient, (brown smooth bone I think), so hopefully he will have something similar to that to sell the next time I see him.

Due to my baby sitting duties this week it might take me a day or two to get better photos, but please stay tuned for those photos. Thanks again for the historical info and the encouragement, I appreciate it very much.

In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on April 20, 2015 at 17:21

Syd- if you have any questions about any of your other knives you can always post a question directly here-


In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on April 20, 2015 at 17:12

BTW, your Russian knife is probably circa 1960-1990

White River Knives

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