Many of us are users/collectors. But how do we decide what knives to use and what to just look at? A discussion on this topic may help many of us. Points to ponder would be:

l. Am I happy to have some knives I use and some I just look at (collect)?

2. They say life is to short to carry a bad/cheap knife?

3. So, I have some knives worth $100 or more - could I carry them and enjoy them, use them, without hurting there value.

4. What about old knives? ie. Cattaraugus, Robesons, etc. Would I hurt their value by carrying them?

5. How about a numbered collection - like Remington year knives? What if I want to carry some of those, do I hurt the value of the set?

6. Should I worry about value at all? or should I just enjoy the knife whatever the value, by carrying it as often as I like?

7. What about knives I want to pass down to kids or grandkids? Would they rather have a knife that has not been used, and has a better value? or would they rather have a knife that Grandpa actually carried and used?

8. There are many other points to consider - what can you think of? What are your ideas, thoughts, discussions on this topic?

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Valid points all, Ken.
I get a second to carry.

1-Yes I am happy to have users and safe queens.

2- I agree, because cheap knives will fail eventually and at the worst possible time.

3,4,5,6- I carry some of my safe queens for nothing other than to look at during the day and open my mail. Just remember to use the right tool for the job. The amount you pay depends on the quality of materials and craftsmanship of the builder, go ahead and use it, it can take it, just don't abuse it.

7- They want both, which is why JJ's approach is perfect for this situation. One for use and one for display.

Great comments and food for thought.

I have EDC/OCD, sooo I get one for the collection and one to carry.......and extra for backup. EDC/OCD.

Craig Henry said:

I have EDC/OCD, sooo I get one for the collection and one to carry.......and extra for backup. EDC/OCD.

That's how I started with my Seahorses.
Had to get a spare then a backup then a backup to the spare and then...

some knives we buy just as users, some just for the collection.  There are a few from the collection that I wear at shows but dont actually use.  My Queen stockman is an every day carry but I have a GEC on me that I use LOL.  If he really likes the look and feel but it was bought as a safe queen?  We just get another one

I have both but some times you get one in your hand that just feels so right no matter the cost. Some I get doubles some I don't. You ask a lot of great questions and it varies knife to knife so they are hard to answer just do what feels good

enjoy the knife by using it,like a race car that never gets to race,whats the point.a knife in a box has no history,i try to make memories with my knives and that gets passed on as well.

ive found out the only knife a regret not using is ones ive sold.

Good point John. I like what you said. Its not the money, its the memories that last.

I never expect to make money by selling my knives, at a later time.
I've bought duplicates of some to be able to leave to my 2 daughters. Others I've bought with one or the other in mind. Though if they're anything like me they'll appreciate my users best of all.

I can't save money but I can sure hang on to knives.

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