I recentaly found a buck 422 bucklite in a pawnshop for $5.00. Not Bad. The blade was worn down some so I sent it to the factory to have the blade replaced. Little did I know that the 422 bucklite is a discontinued model but also collectable. Now heres where I Screwed up. They replaced the blade with one from a buck 112. So now my 422 model reads 112 on the blade. Hay they did a great job and it looks good. Without the original blade I'm guessing I messed up it's collectabilaty.

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The "122 Nemo" & "124 Frontiersman" came out in 1967. The Nemo was intended as a dive knife, with a rubber sheath, and the Frontiersman came with a leather sheath. The white teflon spacers were the first run, 300-500 (best info I have, may not be accurate). Buck then switched to the red hard bone spacers and eventually to the red micarta spacers like the other 100 series knives.

I'm looking forward to your photos. It might be a good idea to start a new discussion thread when you get them ready. We've kind of taken this one of it's original topic... Let me know if I can be of any help with the photos, are you on a Mac of PC? Mike


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