Since we are all knife collectors I thought it would be nice for everyone to show off a collection are two. Get one of your favorite collections together, 3 to 6 knives in all and post us a picture. It can be by pattern, style or maker; fixed or folder. What ever makes them a collection. You may post more than one collection but just 3 to 6 knives in each.

  This is not a contest, just a way to show us your knives, for all to enjoy. Lets have some fun.

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Brad, the only thing I can say is "Sweet", real sweet. Thanks for posting, we enjoy seeing fine knives.

Brad, super looking knives. Thanks for posting.

This is my small collection of what I thought was all Victorinox knives but after I took the picture, I realized my grand daughters blue knife is a Wenger. These are all user/collectors. We got my grand daughters little camping knife so long ago, I forgot which company made it. Oh well, it's very well made.

  I want to thank everyone for the participation in this discussion but I don't want ya'll to forget about all the knife groups, we have.

Leather handled fighters with 1095 Carbon Steel  blades

Top to Bottom

Ontario 499 Air Force Survival Knife

Windlass Replica  V-42 1st SFF Stiletto

Camillus Mk II  Fighting knife (AKA Marine Corps Fighting Knife)

Ontario M3 Trench knife (Modern Era)

I give up, I don't want to fight....lol  They are wonderful, I love the dark blades. Patina?

My largest of my collections, my Spydercos.

The Ontarios and the the Camillus were parkerized finishes. They've been used a bit (or in the case of the Camillus for well over 10 years camping and while serving in the military.)  The v42 Replica has blued blade. I prefer parkerized over powder coating.

Robert Burris said:

I give up, I don't want to fight....lol  They are wonderful, I love the dark blades. Patina?

Doug, great collection.....

That's a fine bunch of Spydercos there Doug. You have a wide range of handle materials, looks good.

Great knives, Doug I think you're alter ego is "Spydey-Man!"

Wow! I haven't been keeping up on all of these fine collections, but what a great bunch of collections being shown. Thank you everyone for sharing!

See if you can guess what this collection's theme is:

I still have a few more knives to add.  Among the knives, the fixed blade and the middle folder are both USA made by Colonial back in the 1990s

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