Since we are all knife collectors I thought it would be nice for everyone to show off a collection are two. Get one of your favorite collections together, 3 to 6 knives in all and post us a picture. It can be by pattern, style or maker; fixed or folder. What ever makes them a collection. You may post more than one collection but just 3 to 6 knives in each.

  This is not a contest, just a way to show us your knives, for all to enjoy. Lets have some fun.

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Brad, real nice fixed blades. Tobias, I love the Hobo's. You know I have a few in my collection.

Old Timer Fixed blades

You sure got some nice fixed blades Brad

Something about a solid knife appeals to me.....and everybody else who frequents this site. LOL

Brad it might have to do with the old adage that a folding knife is pre-broken.  That's a finnce collection of OT's you have there.

Great looking collection there, Brad. Those USA Schrades have gone up in price lately.

Which is why I haven't bought any recently. Best time to buy these is during the Christmas season, because everyone is saving their money for other presents.

Robert Burris said:

Great looking collection there, Brad. Those USA Schrades have gone up in price lately.

One of my favorite Old Timer fixed blade the 13OT, liked it so much I have two. The bottom one is the user.

Awesome knives Brad

I can see why you like it so much, it's a great little knife. I guess, you would call that the classic and basic Drop Point pattern?

My Case Russlocks

Great looking knives Jeremy

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