You people all like the best things in life.This is my constant companion Meg. ,And in one pic w/my Daughter Leah. Meg literally runs our family ( most of the time a dead run ) And in her mind is the boss. Once she adopts you into the flock she never forgets you. You can tell she is not spoiled....I mean the dog

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Now folks can see the pics.


Beautiful dog.  Nice of Meg to let your daughter lay in her bed.  lol

Thanks Ron

Not sure what I did wrong

Should pics be attached at top instead of the bottom of message page?

Hi Bruce!

Rather than posting pictures as attachments simply click on the picture icon (second from the left next to the "Link" icon) at the top of the message window. That will open another message box that will prompt you to choose a file from your computer. Click on "Choose File" from My Computer. Then find the image that you wish to post in whatever folder that you have it saved in on your hard drive. Click on that image and voila! That pic will appear in the message box. 

It's really easy once you've done it. Go ahead and give it a try!

Let me know if you need any further assistance. Oh! And, by the way...that's a beautiful dog and an even prettier little girl with a terrific smile you have there!

Cheers, my friend!


White River Knives

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