What do you sleep in when you go out into the wilderness? Do you sleep in a camper or under the stars? Do you have an outfitter lodge style tent or a small one man backpacking tent? Or do you construct your shelter yourself once you get to where you are going? Anyways tell about the different stuff that you use and how you like it and if you would recommend it. Feel free to post any pictures that you have.



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I'm w/ ya there Andy .. don't care where I am .. I'm a sucker for an accent & a curve ..

Canada .. ooo ooah .. I'm seriously envious !!
If I am getting a tent for backpacking, it has to be lightweight and compact so that it takes up less space in the pack. My kelty grand mesa 2 is only 4lbs so it is pretty light.
Matt .. I've also a couple Ozark Trails .. one little 5*5 .. got it when pre-teen son & friends were "backyard camping" .. now implemented for gear storage when praire dogging .. a 2cnd 7*7 dome survived a stormy wet week-end ..only to be blown away during an overnight storm while set-up in the back-yard to dry out .. not staked/secured .. whoops .. cheap lesson though !!
I have used doubled up black plastic garbage bags before that worked as well as an emergency blanket,but my preferred way is inside a tent/shelter with a sleeping bag.When I go on backpacking trips,I have brought a 15x20 clear plastic piece that easily folds up.We clear area to sleep,lay plastic down,sleeping bags side x side on plastic,and cover the rest plastic over the sleeping bags.In the morning you are not wet from dew, it is on outer part of plastic.We have slept on the beach in North California,woods in Oregon,and woke up dry.Yes I too have been stupid drunk and fallen asleep/passed out on bare ground by a fire.
Yea all sorts of things can be done with a plastic tarp and I have used them many times when I was in the Boy Scouts on the winter polar bear camping trips where you spend 24hrs outside in below 32 degree temps. Wasnt always the warmest but thats were a good sleeping bag comes in, but it did keep my dry. I have never tried your method though with laying the plastic over you like a blanket but I will have to try it some time. Sounds like it would work pretty well.
Yea I camp alot in German zelt, it is just 4 zeltbahn ponchos that form a pyramid shaped tent, I have been meaning to post a picture of it up. Yea I love sleeping in it except for like the pup tent if it is raining. Have to make sure that you dig a good rain trench around it if you want to stay dry.
Yea make it right around the edge or just a little inside. Just use an E-tool and dig a few inches down all the way around your tent.


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