Another Deer season. I went out Oct 1st and sat in the woods in my new Big Mike blind and saw 4 deer. One was a nice big Doe, but she had young with her. They were plenty big enough and spots all gone, but I just couldn't shoot. Its early yet. I have my eye on a nice Buck and will be looking for him. He was on camera almost every day until deer season started and hasn't been on camera yet. They sure are smart. I will add to this from time to time and hope you will share your deer hunting experience and pics for this year as well.

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Good luck, Ken.

Thanks Howard

Charles, Hope you can thin some of them black coyotes, they like young fawns, turkeys and all kinds of game animals. Its been cool, but rainy here. I will start hunting again when it drys a little. Hope you have a great hunting season. Ken

I have started squirrel hunting. It seems we have less squirrels than last year. The full moon did not help anything either. They feed a lot at night when the moon is real bright. I saw a few deer while hunting squirrels. One was a young buck. A 4 point, I think. I saw him twice. I also saw a large deer but I only saw his back end. I had a doe and yearling pass only a few steps away one morning. I hope everyone has a great hunting season.

Oh Robert, I bet you have some good eatin recipes for those squirrels!  When does deer season open for you?

Our bow season opens Oct. 15 and runs through Jan.  Our gun season opens Nov. 22 and runs through Jan.  Our limit is a buck and a doe a day with a three buck season limit.  So after you get the third buck, your limit becomes a doe a day.

I have gotten pictures of two ten point bucks and one nine point on my game cameras.  Also six and eight pointers.  And a couple of bucks with funky antlers that need to be taken out of the gene pool.

Ken, you can be sure that if I see any of those coyotes, black or brown, I will definitely shoot at them, gun or bow.  I called up and killed one last Oct.  I tried a couple of times this year but no luck.

I am sure the hunting will be great this season and I think the finding will be pretty good too.  I always see a lot more deer than I kill.  Last season I counted 87 deer while hunting but only killed one, a small eight point.  But I only got to hunt one time during the month of Jan.  The most I have killed in any one season is four.  I did that twice.

You bet Miss Jan. I love to cook and eat squirrels. My favorite ways to cook squirrels is either smothered in a brown gravy on rice or in a Gumbo on rice. Another great way to cook squirrels or rabbit is to cut them into pieces and either steam or boil them until tender, then batter them as you would chicken and fry them.

Our deer season for guns is Nov. 8 but some guys are hunting Wild Hogs. Just today, a friend killed a 200# Sow in a stand very near one of mine. I have a lot of Hog sign near my stand. I hope I can put the young ones on one, so they can get a shot. I get a real kick seeing the young folks succeed.

OOO A squirrel gumbo!

I am seeing a lot of deer and hog sign this year. I hope we have a good season.

I went out tonight, and saw deer at 4pm, 6pm and 7 pm but all yearlings. Enjoyed the evening anyway.

It is nice to see deer even if you don't kill any.  I always see a lot more than I kill during the season.  I like watching them.

I updated my discussion on my season today.


Our season starts on Nov. 8, for primitive weapon season. I use to shoot a muzzle loader during that season. Now days I shoot a .444 cal. single shot. The primitive weapon season is for one week before and one week after our regular rifle season. It gives a hunter two extra weeks of deer hunting. I have done well with my muzzle loader but I am yet to kill with my .444 cal. I have only had it a couple of years. I missed a nice 6 pointer last year with it. My bullet hit a small tree that I had not seen. He may be even bigger this year.


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