First off, I had no power all morning-- Without much else to do, I had time to pour through my knife guides page by page--Finally found it in Jim Parker's "Pocketknife Trader's Price Guide' on page 319 item 39--BTW, this was his 5th edition,published in 2001--The following is a direct copy of the book---

Great White Set-4" Lockback Mako with Smooth Brown Bone and Smooth Greenbone.Serrated blades. 1000 pieces of 500 each we reordered but due to Case bankruptcy,only 90 produced-- $450

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Great find John! Wow!

Wow, good job finding that info! Well it also shows the importance of the older books that you always see for sale!
Whoohoo this fat boy is doing the happy dance. I want to thank all of you for the help. I think it's going right up there in the middle of the shelf with the good knives.

BTW, for those of you not up on the discussion of the "Great White" it originated here in the Case Fans group in the comments section-- However, the hunt started in 2011 at AAPK --The saga is here-


It might have started there, but it finished here!  John McCain comes through again!

Glad i was right in that it was a Parker made knife......which company produced it John...was it frost?

Sue, all I know is what I found previously--Seeing as how it took 4 years to find that much, I will live with that for now-- My guess, would be  Blue Grass Cutlery, as they were doing the Case Classics for Parker/Case--- The only other general reference comes from J.Bruce Voyle's " International Blade Collectors Association Price Guide to Commemorative Knives 1960-1990"-published in 1995-- From page 8 of the book---"1989-1990:-Case sells to Jim Parker,who immediately begins producing several ambitious limited edition and commemorative series, all in an attempt to generate cash to pay the bills at Case and the Cutlery World store chain. Despite the quality and originality of many of the knives, the frequency with which the knives hit the market overwhelms some collectors." ----The "Great White" was made in 1990, hence the interrupted run due to the bankruptcy--- Which is exactly what makes this particular knife scarce and collectible---

Charles, thanks for the compliment !! I sure ain't Steve Koontz. Bruce Voyles, or Bernard Levine, but I'll do the best that I can until the real deal comes along !! Remember, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again---ROFL

That is some great work John. I never doubted for a minute that you could do it. Congrats!


That was the BEST find!!  You beat the heck of out everyone looking.  Congrats and Thank you!!!!


Thank you for the mystery and the fun.  I am glad the knife is with you

How right you are Max!

Max McGruder said:

Wow, good job finding that info! Well it also shows the importance of the older books that you always see for sale!

Congratulation John----- Great Job of staying with the project here on IKC-----And  Lee I told you when you got the answer you would do the Happy dance. Only 90 produced. Your Friend gave you a Great present

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