I just picked up this Krusius knife at a local flea market. I have heard of Krusius Brothers knives or Krusius knives but all that I have seen say only Solingen Germany. This one has blue/black flake celluloid type handles and 3 1/2 inches closed. The front tangs are stamped "KRUSIUS SOLINGEN" and the rear tangs are stamped "M.i. GERMANY BRITISH ZONE". I have never seen a knife stamped such as this on the rear tang. I looked in my Goins book and the only thing they show is KRUSIUS or KRUSIUS BROTHERS. I normally wouldnt buy a knife like this but the handles caught my eye (they have what appears to be like a white liner under the flake handles) and the rear tang stamp is unique to me. The stamping is exactly as I have it shown above. It is spelled with all capital letters except for the "i" is lower case. Does anyone know around when this knife was manufactured? Anyone know what/where M.i. Germany British Zone stands for or where it is located? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


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!!! .. BINGO .. !!!

This should shed a little light on it .. .. sounds like just the blade is from the 50's .
Here's some interesting info that came up under a search for "M.i. Germany British Zone" ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_German_border
Dale, thanks for your info. I never knew I could learn so much from a little pocket knife. This knife certainly has some history behind it. Whether the actual knife was assembled during this time or if just the blade was stamped and used by someone at a later date doesnt matter. I still consider it as being a part of history either way. I never did find "exactly" what the letters M.i. stood for unless I overlooked it. I wonder if it means "Military involved" or something to that effect??? Thanks once again for your help it is very much appreciated!
I know .. I looked @ looked .. specifically for what "M.i." meant .. never did find it ..

.. military issue ~ maybe .. but that's pure speculation !!!!!!

.. all the little schtuff / interesting details that turn up when I'm chasing a stamping .. that's one of the things that got me hooked on all this ......

........... beyond the obvious sharp & pointy aspects .. Hehe hehe hehe
.. based on opinions/data presented in the discussion thread .. I'd say the blade w/ stamping was certainly 50's .. all else .. most likely not

BUT .. as Bernard Levine stated in the thread .. buy the knife .. not the story ..

BESIDES .. you just made your own story on this one !!!!

Bet you think of the iron curtain & divided E/W Germany every time you see this knife ..

!!! .. That's cool .. !!!

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