Myself and a bunch of others have paid for memberships in the NKCA and never heard another word. In my case, I paid for a 2 year membership last September and never received my membership packet or any word from Ms. Sebenick. I have left phone messages, sent emails, and sent a message through Facebook, all of which have been ignored. I paid with Paypal but Paypal is totally useless. I filed a complaint with them but they said that they do not get involved in this sort of issue.

I know for a fact that another disgruntled person filed a complaint with the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs but nothing came of that either. At this point in time, we will probably contact the Internet Fraud Division of the Chattanooga Police Department to see if they would be willing to help.

If anyone can shed any light on this matter, your assistance would be appreciated.

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I can shed very little light but maybe some.

The NKCA newsletter, about 2 years ago, announced they would no longer be sending welcome packets or membership cards.  I dont remember the reason I just remember reading it in the newsletter.

The NKCA still exists and you were on the right track trying to get in touch with Lisa, she is the President. The phone number and email address on the site are correct for her.  I am sorry to hear your having a difficult time getting information from her.  I saw your post late last night on FB and sent her a text.  She did text me back saying she would try to reply to it today after she gets home from work.

I did notice you mentioned the website.  The website itself is owned by NKCA but I will not mislead you.  I own the domain name.

Lisa and I serve on the board for the National Knife Museum together and when I was working on the museums website I also worked on NKCA's.  I never transferred the domain.  Even though we are life members, paying for that small amount annually was our way of helping out.

I know I have been little or no help with this for you, if the opportunity comes up for me to assist I would be happy to

Thank you Jan for the insight.

The fact remains that Lisa has decided to remain incommunicado, not only with me but with others. I have left her a voice mail, sent an email, sent a message through Facebook, and even issued a request for payment through Paypal. Yet she ignores all contact attempts. In fact, a member of a knife related Facebook page who has also heard nothing from Lisa, has asked Tony Bose if he can find out what the problem is. I should have an update from her later today or tomorrow

As for not sending out membership packets, I believe that the website says that they would be mailed within 7 days of the NKCA receiving the dues, but I never attempted to join until this past September, so there is no way that I would have known that membership packets were no longer being sent. Additionally, if you go to The Blade Forums and Google Lisa's name, you will find a post from 2006  wherein people were complaining of this very thing. I find that somewhat troublesome. Additionally, the folks that paid for the 2014 knife have never received them and the message on Lisa's answering machine says that they won't be available until this October. Go to the NKCA's Facebook page and read about how folks have tried to ask her about the 2014 knife and were totally ignored.

At this point, I have received absolutely no benefit for my invisible membership to the NKCA and I am no longer interested in membership in the NKCA. All that I want is for Ms. Sebenick to make me, and the others who paid and received nothing, whole by refunding our payments. Then we can wash our hands of each other.



I apologize I did see Shirley was texting Tony and I did have a small talk with him this morning, he was still trying to get in touch with her also but that was about 6am.  I heard from her about 1pm.  I am watching the FB feed also.  I do hope it works out best for you and all


It certainly isn't your fault. Having spent 30 years in upper management for a Fortune 100 company, I have a pretty good idea of what it takes to be a good & effective administrator. I don't find that with your current president.

Hm, this is unfortunate.  Sounds like you're just not a priority for the NKCA president.  I'm not being a smart-ass here.  When we pay for something, we're pretty used to at least getting the lip service of being a respected customer.  

Could also be a bell weather of a knife community falling apart (good chance, actually).  I know too little about the NKCA to say if one was the cause or the effect of the other, but it strikes me as a distinct possibility. 

Best to just move on.  And at least you've got Jan to be able to give you some info!

Another day passes with no communication from the elusive Ms. Sebenick.

Wonder of wonders, I received a refund via Paypal a few minutes ago.


Thank you for letting us know you received the refund!

This is what was posted on FB

Hello to all my knife buddies! Sorry I have been out of touch lately, but I have accepted a new job as a Decorator for a local company here in Chattanooga. It's taken up 55-70 hours a week, which leaves very little time for anything else. No need for any of you to fret though, the 2014-15 Club Knives are still being produced and will hopefully ship in Oct. 
I look forward to seeing you at the next big knife event!

and YES, we all do have to work!

I know. I was tagged by Dan Melefsky and posted a reply.

When I made my NKCA web site to sell some knives, the first two calls were from NKCA members. One had ordered 5 NKCA knives about a year ago and was still waiting for his knives. He wanted to know if I had an inside track to the NKCA. The second caller had a NKCA knife, made by Case that had a broken blade. He had sent it to Case, they returned the knife. He want to know if I could fix it. In both cases I was unable to help them. I also have sent emails and phone calls to Lisa trying to get current information on the KNCA knives, like how many produced, who made them, etc. Nothing to date. Hope she enjoys her new job.

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