Getting around in iKnifeCollector.com

A good many times I have heard, you’re not set up like a forum and I keep getting lost.  So I have decided we need a cheat sheet.

The main page of iKC is where everything has its roots but from any page you can reach the navigation bar at the top

You can bring yourself to the main page from anywhere by clicking main

Once there the set up pretty much stays that same

THE LEFT COLUMN              THE CENTER COLUMN                              THE RIGHT COLUMN

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Notice the navigation bar at the top will also take you to the same places.  The biggest different is when you come in from the main page of iKC, it shows you the latest in each of those categories.  There are more tabs at the top that you can explore but this is the basics for navigating around our site.

Have some fun, visit a portion of the site you have not previously seen.  Did you know we have over 70 specialty GROUPS to talk about your favorite brand, outdoor activities, survival, shooting, repairing knives or even the beginning builder.

As always, Thanks for being here with us.  The members are what make our site a home

Jan Carter          

Tags: Navigating, iKnifeCollector

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OK, I just want to take a few more photos so there's no questions or surprises. Everything is new or like new, but I want to make sure I show blade centering, not just the two side views. THEN we get to test YOUR self control...! ;-)

I just got some facts straight and questions answered on the Forum in the Knife Q&A section and I should have them up by this weekend. Just fyi, I'm starting with a Queen Mountain Man, Case Grand Daddy barlow, and a user Boker 2000 (cheap) and we'll see how it goes. I have two others I'm on the fence on and would rather keep, but....

Syd Carr said:

Post a link to your sale here Richard so we can see what you are offering, there are plenty others around here who suffer from a lack of self control when knives are concerned, (including myself).

Richard Schuchman said:

Will do! Thanks so much! I'm not a company, just a guy who had a hard time passing up a good deal last week and now has to fund his lack of self-control. Two, maybe three knives max. I want to part with as few as possible!

I don't know where to correctly post this questionnaire about this little 3-1/2" inch (closed) knife. I found this at a yard sale many years ago when I first started getting interested in pocket knifes. I'm hoping someone can identify this knife. I can tell you that the blades are carbon steel and I "think" the handles might be a type or perhaps Bakelite. This knife displays quality in both the finish and the single snap of the blades. I think the ends of the knife is German silver. The one side of the "scales" (I'm learning) has something written in block letters. If anyone can identify this knife I'd greatly appreciate having that information. Thanks to all who look at this knife and many thanks to members who have told me about several of my other knives.

Don-Your tang stamp reads as-O.C.MFG.CO  MASSILON OH. This was a trademark used by the Ohio Cutlery Co. of Massilon, Ohio circa 1919-1923 or circa 1919-1925 depending on the resource .Usually, Tru-Temper is marked on the back side of the blade.The Ohio Cutlery Co. had a short existence- On April 2,1923 the factory was destroyed by fire. In June, 1923 the company reopened in a new plant..In 1925 they sold their property and assets to  a group who changed the name to Massilon Cutlery Company. These knives are pretty rare and seldom come up for sale & I have yet to see one exactly like yours .Resource books value this brand as medium to high as to collectibility and value. Last knife I saw come up for sale sold for $85, although as is sometimes the case with rare knives, rare enough most don't know what they are looking at. The writing on the handle is not clear enough to read in its entirety. You may want to try and get a rubbing of the handle inscription by placing a thin sheet of paper on the handle and using  a lead pencil, see if you can read the missing letters from the paper. The handle letters might pertain to Ohio Cutlery, or could be an advertising logo, as this Co. did produce advertising knives.Here is a tang stamp pic of another O.C. MFG. knife that is a little more legible to look at.

Don Neiman said:

I don't know where to correctly post this questionnaire about this little 3-1/2" inch (closed) knife. I found this at a yard sale many years ago when I first started getting interested in pocket knifes. I'm hoping someone can identify this knife. I can tell you that the blades are carbon steel and I "think" the handles might be a type or perhaps Bakelite. This knife displays quality in both the finish and the single snap of the blades. I think the ends of the knife is German silver. The one side of the "scales" (I'm learning) has something written in block letters. If anyone can identify this knife I'd greatly appreciate having that information. Thanks to all who look at this knife and many thanks to members who have told me about several of my other knives.

John...thank you very much for the information about my O.C. knife made in Massillon, OH. I did a rubbing and after the 4th attempt I THINK I know what it says but I'm not positive. If I'm right it reads...UNITED SAND & GRAVEL CO. I wish to sell the knife...does this site offer a buy and sell section or should I go the eBay route?  Again...thanks for your very informative explanation as to the knife I have. You are welcome to email me directly at   pithole@zoominternet.net   

never mind.   I see John found the company.   Pretty cool little knife


We do have knives for sale or trade forum http://iknifecollector.com/forum/categories/knives-for-sale-or-trad...

Think it's time for another update to the Newbies Guide.
Cheat sheet helped, thanx.
I use my phone more than pc, currently - your whole page in 2&1/2x4+" - so print is too tiny to see and when enlarge an area so can read easier, the navigation links across the top are totally out of sight.
Now that I know they are there I can hopefully make headway. Tnx again!
Thanks, helpful common sense, I love this already!! I haven't looked, lol but how do or where to find values for Jeffrey Bodner miniature knives. I just listed a Bodner on ebay very similar Bodner kangaroo knife that is showcased on here! I just opened a another Ebay site. This one is kevirabedea_o "my handle". Ty very much for the kind welcome Show-Time and box-lot are the other two "handles" have a good evening, ty, kevin

for sale schatt- morgan whittler white bone covers,nickle silver bolsters  in the box never cut any thing,been packed in leather slip a couple times a very nice knife.$65.00 can send pictures later tonight

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