Member needs and prayer requests

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Wow, sad news indeed. Prayers for the family.

Update on the Big Sur area fires from Syd Carr today

wanted to update you as the fires are still running wild here. Even where I am I can step outside and see & smell smoke. One friend lost his home in the Soberanes fire, and a new fire erupted not too far from me called the Chimney fire. Another friend is evacuated on that one and is helping with animal rescues, (lots of folks have horses in that area). Hwy 1 is closed until tomorrow for backfire operations.

Very sad news of Howard's passing Prayer for all of the family and friends.

Also, praying for all that have been affected by the fires,

Thanks for the continuing prayers, but this ongoing drought is not just severe, it is past extreme and causing havoc statewide. California is literally drying up and burning away. Here is a link to Cal Fire's website with a map of the state with currently active fires listed: http://www.fire.ca.gov/current_incidents

I have close friends who have lost homes, others that are under evacuation with  homes under threat, and even here on the beach I am just 15 miles away from a major fire. Please pray for the thousands of firefighters who are fighting these fires, the residents who are threatened by them, and in general just pray for rain.

Still burning. The Soberanes Fire in Big Sur is at 80K+ acres, 60% containment and still moving south & west towards Big Sur, and the Chimney Fire is at 35K acres, 35% containment and moving west towards Hearst Castle and Hwy 1. Both fires are visible from the highway which runs directly along the coast. One of the things fire fighters and residents both are contending with is tourists and the traffic they produce. Just got word from a friend near Salmon Creek on the southern Big Sur coast, (a popular day hike area just off Hwy 1), that illegal and unattended campfires are being found by "locals" who are patrolling the area as volunteers, (they are also finding discarded used toilet paper in various places on most of the trails). I agree with them that finding such things less than 10 miles from a major wildfire, a fire started by an illegal campfire which  has already consumed over 70 homes, to be shocking at best. Though our area thrives on tourist money, I know and admit that, many "locals" like myself resent the fact that people treat "our" wilderness areas so irresponsibly, and then leave those of us that live here to suffer the consequences.

The county looks like an armed camp with hundreds of fire fighting vehicles of various types all along many of our roads, and parked in every available parking lot; most unsold motel rooms now house fire fighters. There are over 5,000 firefighters, both federal and state, working just those two fires, and there are several other fires burning across the state; do the math.

I live right on the ocean, and coastal overcast keeps me from directly seeing and feeling the effects of the nearest fire, (less than 15 miles as the crow flies), but I watched helicopters yesterday and today go out over the ocean scooping up water to fight the nearby fires with, so it's impossible to ignore what is happening some short miles away.

Pray for the thousands of fire fighters who are fighting these fires, and pray for a statewide rain.

A friend just called, described how she and her husband spent the last week helping people evacuate their livestock, and just how exhausted they all were. Her description of the area of the Chimney Fire was "a war zone". She also said there were more homes destroyed than has been reported, and it is only 35% contained. Meanwhile that particular fire has spread to just under 40,00 acres, and is two miles away from historic Hearst Castle and Hwy 1. Here are a couple of photos, first being the view of that fire from a friend's patio in Cambria yesterday, (the entire horizon is smoke), the other an example of a sunset from my front door, (the red color is due to the fire, and this photo DOES NOT do the color justice). Keep the prayers going, this is an ongoing disaster.

Know that my thoughts and prayers are with so many of you right now.   While i have not been posting much, is not by choice but by circumstances.   I was especially stunned to hear the new of Howard. While I have never met him in person, I was also impressed to hear his thoughts, comments, and opinions.   We as a group lost much with his passing.

Praying for rain in California in the area of the fires.

And Tobias, it will be good to have you back on.


I appreciate that your keeping us updated on the fires, I still have friends and family in that area (including you!)


I hope the circumstances work out in your favor and Charles is correct, it will be good to have you back with us.  The loss of Howard was a tough one.  I had never met him in person either but I always looked forward to his posts and his time with us.

Today....I want to just say a prayer that you are all happy, healthy and life stays sharp for you all

I am so glad to have Tobias around again, your presence was missed.

The fires are still burning, though they seem to have fallen out of the national news cycle. Soberanes Fire is at 91,802 Acres & 60% containment, the Chimney Fire is at 45,108 acres & 52% containment.....homes are still being lost. One of the more unknown aspects of these incidents is the grinding toll on firefighters due to the terrain, and their exposure not only to smoke, but the prevalence of Poison Oak in the fire areas. Yesterday alone there were more than 200 reported cases of Poison Oak among firefighters that needed medical attention just on the Soberanes Fire, (take my word for it, it is nasty stuff, the rash lasts for weeks and little can be retroactively done about it). There were a similar number of cases at the Chimney Fire, as that area is overrun with the plant too. The firefighters have been saying it is more widespread this year than they have ever seen it.

So that's it for today, and though the weather is cooling off somewhat, (for the moment), the drought continues and the fires keep burning. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.

It is with great sorrow that I let my fellow iKC members know that our friend here Bob Robinson lost his wife to advanced Alzheimer's last Friday. My prayers go out to you and everyone in your family. You have stood so strong for so long.

Your friend,



Our prayers are with you and the family, please let us know if there is anything we can do

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