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Jigged Buffalo Horn

Worm Groove Moss Brown

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Thanks Syd and JJ!

Keep that herd a growin Craig!  Nice newbies.

Thanks Andy!

Very nice, i really like the look of that chestnut. 

I've been carrying mine daily, actually found a small scratch on the pile side of the master yesterday. Oh well, a knife is a tool after all, I didn't get it to put it on display, so I guess I can live with it.

Character, Syd, character.
I guess. What sucks is that though I have carried it, I haven't really "used" it other than showing it off. Must have happened when I was returning it to the sheath. Nobody would notice it but me probably, so like you say I'll just have to consider that it has "character" now.

J.J. Smith III said:
Character, Syd, character.

Syd, if you open the secondary blades without opening the main first your gonna get a scratch across the main blade. Those little secondaries are CLOSE and THIN (flex)! Hey, but now you have a great user! If I'm going to carry a knife and I want it in pristine condition too, I buy two. LOL!

Thanks Michael!

Yep, we definitely need a like button. Craig's post is spot on, in regards to the blade rub issue.

Also in buying doubles too.

I thought of that, it was my first thought actually, but the scratch is further down the blade beyond the end of the small blades; it was kind of a "WTF?" moment. I'm the only one who has opened the knife, and have never opened the smaller blades unless the master blade was opened first specifically to avoid that possibility. I have a couple of other whittlers, so was aware of potential blade rub issues with the pattern before I got it. I've also seen that issue in Congress pattern knives. This particular scratch is one of those "mystery scratches" that seemingly appear from nowhere and defy explanation. I'll try to get a photo and will post it if it shows clear enough. Sure was bummed when I found it though, but I still carry the knife every day. I guess the "new" is gone, but the love remains.

Craig Henry said:

Syd, if you open the secondary blades without opening the main first your gonna get a scratch across the main blade. Those little secondaries are CLOSE and THIN (flex)! Hey, but now you have a great user! If I'm going to carry a knife and I want it in pristine condition too, I buy two. LOL!

Thanks Michael!

Here are photos of the "mystery scratch" on my Case Seahorse that I mentioned above. It's roughly aligned with a nail nick on one of the pen blades, but I don't think my fingernail is capable of producing that scratch, plus I have never opened the small blades while the master was closed. Puzzling.

That IS strange Syd. If your sure that the pen blade didn't do it, have you thought about Gremlins? LOL!


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