any reason to not allow the carry of whatever knife or other weapon if you already have a ccp?

i was recently looking over concealed carry laws and realized that Kentucky and a few other states allow for the charity of a switchblade If you have a concealed carry permit for your handgun.

To that end, I was wondering if there's a reason why a person shouldn't be able to carry any kind of weapon they want That would be classified on par or below a handgun? i.e. switchblades, large fixed blades, wip canes/extendable batons, throwing stars etc. etc.

after all, these options are no more dangerous than the handgun you're already allowed to carry. So why not allow people to carry them if they have a concealed carry permit, it would also give a helpful edge to people who are interested in or regular practitioners of empty handed fighting systems or traditional martial arts.

what are your thoughts?

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Agreed to the fullest Craig!Good discussion knife guys. "MEEPMEEep!-"Roadrunner

Craig T. (max) McGruder said:
I believe you're correct ,you should be able to carry any weapon on a concealed carry permit ,within reason .you should also have to take a test to prove you're able to use the weapon properly,whatever it may be.Except anti aircraft,bazookas ,grenades and stuff from the Road runner cartoons
There's has never been a concealed carry, Enacted Public Law; there has been only codes published in the US; the US is defined at LAW as the district of Columbia and the virgin islands. Because of the separation of powers act; that known corporation called the US (UNITED STATES) my only conduct business within Districts now termed the Federal Zone. Further, if it's legal for you to carry a weapon in one state, it has to be legal for you to carry a weapon in ALL 50 union states; as you are free to travel when ever and where ever you feel the need - freely and without permission as provided by the Bill of Rights.
"does a flame thrower count ???"

You may do anything you want, anytime you want, so long as YOU do not injure another, or their property
Reason has little to do with knife laws. There is an informative article related to this topic titled, KNIFE CARRY: AVOIDING TROUBLE.

It can be found at
"Now obviously to pull a gun in a common fight is uncalled for..."

No such thing as a common fight.

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