Measures that may be brought in later in the year mean that although we will be able to buy knives online they will need to be collected from the retailer personally?

Now I haven't bought a knife from Greg at TSA for a while mostly because I have been spending my money on straight razors. Also, the £ has dropped 20% since Brexit was announced which makes purchases from the States just too expensive with shipping and taxes.

This proposed legislation, however, means that I would have to travel to Detroit Lakes, so that Greg could check that I am over 18, and pick up my purchases in person. That could make the next GEC rather too much trouble, I guess that is the point!


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I think we in the US, tend to worry about the loss of liberty's in other nations as we worry about our own.  I can see Manx's point on not every nation feeling the same as we do about the liberty's.  The UK, sharing as close to the same views on life as we do, makes it that much harder to see them lose anything.  We tend to see ourselves in the same situations.

Disarming any country is hard for us to see because we do have the hind site to see how that contributed to a madman  being able to control enough nations to cause harm to many more. I personally think that is a lesson the world learned and at least in our lifetimes it wont happen again.

We also have the ability to watch what happens to a countries rights when you begin to let them go and that scares a good many of us.  We are not willing to give up any and open the door to losing more.  Having Knife Rights and AKTI is the difference I think. We support those that fight hard to retain what freedoms we have.

Another of the freedoms we enjoy and so do our UK family, the freedom of speech and the right to have differing opinions without being looked down on for them.

ok, enough of the derailment LOL.


thank you for clarifying what those phrases mean to you all.  I honestly thought along the same lines as Charles.  So much for us speaking the same English language LOL.

Didn't someone say our two countries were divided by a common language Jan? Just Googled it, George Bernard Shaw I believe.

Personally, I have a lot of sympathy with the opinion that I see from people in the States, I would at least like the choice of whether or not to be able to defend myself with a weapon.

However, it is obvious that most of my fellow countrymen do not feel the same way. Most people here hark back to a time when the police were completely unarmed and have no wish to see members of the public carrying firearms. This is just a fact and rightly or wrongly it is not going to change any time soon. The amount of anti-knife and gun feeling among the general public would surprise you, I believe.

I can claim no great knowledge about the US having visited the country only briefly. However, one major difference that I have noticed is the use of the word freedom, it is a very common word amongst your citizens and almost unused over here. I don't want to make too much of one word but it is something that I have noticed over the last few years as I have met online so many people from the States.

Once again I must state that I am implying no criticism of anyone's belief system but merely trying to explain as best I can how things differ.

This major difference in the way that this country looks at knives as weapons is why I believe that we will see less and less tolerance of those few of us who like to carry a knife. 

Yeah, I knew it was an oops when I posted. Won't make that mistake again. :)

It has been dubbed "Bake Off with blades"and features contestants creating powerful blades, tested out by slicing dummies and animal carcasses as fake blood splatters across the warehouse set.

ok, I understand that things are viewed differently but from a country that had national pride in their blades (and rightly so I might add) this just seems strange to me

"There has never been any suggestion from the regulator or viewers, that it glorifies or encourages knife-crime or violence . . . and any suggestion that it does, is entirely unwarranted and without evidence.”

I had heard of this programme but didn't know it was being shown over here Jan. It has become such a sensitive subject these days that any sense is left far behind, any mention of knives in this country signifies a weapon, even though everyone uses knives in the kitchen every day and the majority of crimes are committed with kitchen knives. None of it makes any real sense but as people are being stabbed every day it has become a problem that must have "something done about it". 

Jan Carter said:

It has been dubbed "Bake Off with blades"and features contestants creating powerful blades, tested out by slicing dummies and animal carcasses as fake blood splatters across the warehouse set.

ok, I understand that things are viewed differently but from a country that had national pride in their blades (and rightly so I might add) this just seems strange to me

"There has never been any suggestion from the regulator or viewers, that it glorifies or encourages knife-crime or violence . . . and any suggestion that it does, is entirely unwarranted and without evidence.”


Somehow I see a domino effect.  Ban guns, knives become the weapon of choice, ban knives and it becomes blunt instruments, ban blunt instruments and we beat one another to death.  Ban beating and a loophole law lets you strangle someone.

No matter the means, before a weapon was decided...Homicide was illegal, therefor the offender just did not care.

That is no different in any country in the world 

I think you could well be right Jan, at least in theory. The reason I say that is the difficulty of banning knives. Most knives are already banned from being carried in public, of course, criminal types don't worry about that. It also appears that most stabbings are done with the more inexpensive types of kitchen knives and these are easy enough to buy at any high street store. It would seem unlikely that even our politicians would think that they can ban kitchen knives.

Of course, if they did and we were left tearing our food to pieces then a sharpened screwdriver would make a nasty weapon.

Jan Carter said:


Somehow I see a domino effect.  Ban guns, knives become the weapon of choice, ban knives and it becomes blunt instruments, ban blunt instruments and we beat one another to death.  Ban beating and a loophole law lets you strangle someone.

No matter the means, before a weapon was decided...Homicide was illegal, therefor the offender just did not care.

That is no different in any country in the world 

John, if they don't want to go to the trouble to sharpen a screwdriver, an ice pick makes a nasty weapon.  Or are they already banned there?

They could be banned Charles, if not they probably will be soon.

Charles Sample said:

John, if they don't want to go to the trouble to sharpen a screwdriver, an ice pick makes a nasty weapon.  Or are they already banned there?

I am watching the parliament channel on tv at the moment, the mp's are discussing the offensive weapons bill. This is the bill which will limit online knife sales, it appears that the sale of "Bladed Products" will be allowed online but it will be down to the supplier to ensure that any online sales of bladed products will be subject to age checks before delivery. I feel that this means that any sold items must be held by someone ?? until the purchaser turns up with ID to prove that they are over 18. It also appears that at the moment imported Bladed Products could still be sent through the post !

The definition of bladed products appears to be rather wide including craft knives and wallpaper scrapers, not sure at present if this would include razor blades. I guess this will be the end of eBay selling straight razors. Small traders will presumably find it difficult to make arrangements for Bladed Products to be held somewhere until the purchaser appears in person to collect.

Course this is just the first reading of this bill and there will be plenty of scope for the government to mess things up further.


Here is to hoping that verification can be done as it is here for tobacco products.  I photo of an ID sent to the seller.  I always black out the ID number except the last 2 digits when ordering cigars.  I only have to produce the ID one time and they keep it on file

I would like to think that such a reasonable and sensible course of action could be adopted Jan.

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