Hello iKC!

Sometimes I just like to check the pulse and see whats going through everyone's mind.  I am not going to announce this one, I think I will leave that up to you all.

So here it is.... From now through May 1, 2019 at midnight Pacific time.  Enter here by saying anything you want AND add the name of the person or group you have shared this contest with.

EVERYONE is eligible 

I am a huge fan of knife magazine so what do you win?  A years subscription to knife magazine.  If you already get the magazine GREAT!  I will extend it a year.  Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!

Time starts NOW!

Tags: contest, knife, magazine


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Always pay attention.  Often, it's the only thing I can afford to pay!   Have a knife day.

Shared with B L Eaton

I like Knife Magazine and already get it.  I have every issue since before they went to the new format which is very nice.  I shared this with all members of the Arsenal group.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Will be sharing this with my current students.

 I've been a Subscriber since the 1980's, When it was "Knife World" and Bernard Levine, would give you an

Estimate/Value for FREE.


P.S.,  I STILL have them ALL........ (Bozz Lady).

Paying attention -- that's a very mindful question.  Which brings to mind suffering, & the causes of suffering...  Apologies, this is actually a topic I think about many times a day (but I haven't yet acquired the discipline to meditate everyday).

I shared this post on the Facebook page of North Star Blade Collectors (this is in no way an endorsement of Facebook):  https://www.facebook.com/North-Star-Blade-Collectors-227501170617751/ 

And something else on my mind:  the TOPS / Buck CSAR-T 095 with tool set (my latest acquisition)...

I hear you Michael, I am still trying to work out the costly shipping to Canada.  :)  You are an angel!

Michael D. Mitchell said:

 I've been a Subscriber since the 1980's, When it was "Knife World" and Bernard Levine, would give you an

Estimate/Value for FREE.


P.S.,  I STILL have them ALL........ (Bozz Lady).

For those of you that were paying attention, you have just earned 2 entries instead of one.  Now lets open this up and get some sharing going on.  Dont forget you have to tell me who or where you shared it

 Thanks for the chance. Shared with South Georgia Archery and Hunt Club.

Adding my name. Shared with Facebook Groups, friends and Spokes Fighting Strokes group too.

My name should be here, too. Sharing with my shooting buddies!

Shared with Vic,my golfing buddy. I very much enjoy cruising and reading all the pages.

I am tipping my hat to George Schrade, he did so much for the knife industry in the early days. He invented machinery, started companies both in the USA and in Europe. He was born February 13, 1860 in Pennsylvania and died in1940. Almost every switchblade was invented by George, even those in Europe.


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