Hello all, I'm new here but it looks like I'm going to love it. I'm a Mechanical Contractor in Northeast PA, I carry a SOG every day, but I've always loved Case, as a 6333 was my first pocket knife (I'll post that story later)

Just wanted to say hello.

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Hey there James! Can't wait to hear the Case story, I love a good knife story!

Hey, James!  Good to have you here, & I hope we don't disappoint. 

What's the SOG you carry?  I only have a few SOG's in my collection, but it was the SOG Trident (in desert camo) that I consider the first knife in my collection.  I spent weeks, maybe even months, researching (& fawning over) knives in the $50 range -- as a new collector with limited financial resources (& a new baby at home), $50 seemed like a lot to spend on a knife.  And as I recall, I estimated that I spent about $50 a week going out, getting food or drinks, before we had a baby, so that was the basis for that seemingly arbitrary figure.

Anyway, I finally settled on the SOG Trident folder, & I believe it actually cost $62, shipping included.  In the time since, I felt pride in that knife (sharp assisted opener that was light in the pocket but had a large blade) to shame (the side-to-side blade play is kind of atrocious) to just a long-term affection for it (I still like it, even more as time passes -- I just would not rely on it as a hard-use folder, & I think that was where I was really disappointed -- but I have other hard-use folders now, so I don't have to rely on it in that way).

Anyway, I guess that was just my way of saying hello.  And welcome!

Hey Dead_Left-

My SOG EDC is a Twitch XL you can see it in my photos,. I like the Twitch because they are pretty flat (about 1/4") and with the pocket clip, you can almost forget it's there. Mine is a Black TiNi which is not available anymore, the XL is only made in a wood grain handle now. the Twitch II (smaller) is available in more finishes. The XL is on SOG's website for $86 the Twitch II is there for $61, I'm sure you can find them cheaper somewhere else. I think I got mine at MidwayUSA.com.

I've had my current one for several years and sharpened it many times and it still treats me great. The whole thing breaks down with a #5 Torx tip and the side-to-side and opening ease is adjustable with one of these.

I can justify most things to myself by thinking about what I spent at the bar when before I met my wife....

Good luck with the baby, my youngest is 2 and I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

dead_left_knife_guy said:

Hey, James!  Good to have you here, & I hope we don't disappoint. 

What's the SOG you carry?  I only have a few SOG's in my collection, but it was the SOG Trident (in desert camo) that I consider the first knife in my collection.  I spent weeks, maybe even months, researching (& fawning over) knives in the $50 range -- as a new collector with limited financial resources (& a new baby at home), $50 seemed like a lot to spend on a knife.  And as I recall, I estimated that I spent about $50 a week going out, getting food or drinks, before we had a baby, so that was the basis for that seemingly arbitrary figure.

Anyway, I finally settled on the SOG Trident folder, & I believe it actually cost $62, shipping included.  In the time since, I felt pride in that knife (sharp assisted opener that was light in the pocket but had a large blade) to shame (the side-to-side blade play is kind of atrocious) to just a long-term affection for it (I still like it, even more as time passes -- I just would not rely on it as a hard-use folder, & I think that was where I was really disappointed -- but I have other hard-use folders now, so I don't have to rely on it in that way).

Anyway, I guess that was just my way of saying hello.  And welcome!

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