#12 – Powder Horn Jack
2 blade jacks, big clip and pen blade
Goldenroot Jigged Bone
Blue Looking Glass Abalone


#12 – 2 Blade Jacks, Northfield
Green Jigged Bone
Burnt Stag
Primitive Bone

#62 – 2 Blade – Easy Pocket Congress
Wharncliffe and Coping
Gold Glitter Acrylic
Green Jigged Bone
Tomato Acrylic
Smooth Ram’s Horn

Various Perylic
Snake Wood
Antique Amber Jigged Bone
Burnt Stag
Primitive Bone
Genuine Stag

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Well Jan, as tempting as several of these are I have to say I am pretty excited about the new pattern #65 coming up in the not too distant future, and I'm kind of "saving up" until I see what that one is going to be. 

 The #65 is promised to be a knife that Ben Hogan, "Wickedest Man in the World", might carry.  Let your imagination run wild........along with our "friends" Ben and French Kate.  Who knows what's in store?

Not to say I won't be treating myself to two or three of the new patterns listed here. 

Pretty impressive way to begin 2011!


I agree, very impressive way to begin the new year.  I figured that info on the #65  was going to peak your interest.  It sounds like a large knife and I know those are near and dear to your heart.  It is also intriguing to contemplate what the artwork and blade etch might be for this one given the reference to Ben Hogan.  For those of you that dont know know about this most interesting fellow read up on him at http://www.petroleumhistory.org/OilHistory/pages/Wild%20Side/Hogan....

.  Very interesting tale and man

Oh Jan, you're such a dear.  I knew I could count on you to post that link that gives the low down on Ben Hogan.

I wanted to do it last evening but you know what a clutz I am in cyber space.  Thanks for once again rescuing this hopeless old moron.

After reading all of that link one can only imagine what the knife is going to be like.



I couldn't pass up the opportunity.  I love that article.  What a full and rich life he led, in a time where "make something of yourself" meant just about anything!!

Do we know when the knife is due out?

Well, GEC hasn't confirmed any time schedule but I've heard a rumor that it could be around the end of the month.


Back in the mid 1970's - 80's I served as a Deputy Sheriff and Chief of Police in an eastern Montana oil boom town.

I can now understand, from reading the article, that things hadn't changed a whole lot in 100 years. 

It was an interesting time to be in law enforcement.



It gets even better!  (Refering to Jan's listed Production Schedule of the new #620211 Easy Pocket Congress knives).

GEC has just listed several additional handle options, including Green Velvet Acrylic, Cranberry Red Acrylic, and Southwest Turquoise Acrylic, as some of the "Various Perylic" listings promised. 

There are some very beautiful options here and a great selection.  Surely something for everyone!

I just spent the weekend getting aquainted with two of the #12J Powder Horn Jacks, one a Tidioute in Goldenrod bone and the other a Northfield in Antique Green bone.  I am happy to find that these knives are the very best in quality, fit and finish of any GEC I have yet experienced.  The "walk and talk" is smooth and positive, the blades are sharper than in the past, and the overall quality and finish of each is flawless.  I am very pleased with both of them.

I can find no fault or critique with either knife, and for me that's saying a lot!

If you've been thinking about getting one, I recommend them highly.  Good stuff from GEC.



I have another Beaver gnawed jigged cherry wood #23LL one the way.  Kifer Cutlery is sending me the Blue Camel bone GEC#23LL and I just paid my #23LL Mesquite wood invoice.  I believe I will end up with thirteen GEC#23/23LL knives on this run.   The GEC#33 Conductor is next !   I want the Tidioute jigged bone. "Pre-ordered"


I just paid my invoice on my Northfield Antique Autumn Natural bone #23LL Trapper .  The Redtail jigged UN-X-LD Bullet  GEC#23LL is next.   

I just paid my invoice for the Northfield GEC#33 Conductor Sambar Stag knife.  


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