I dreamt of Elk Stag and Stainless, I dreamt of adventures to be made with this new friend. A beautiful sunrise on a placid lake, a chilled morning by a swift running stream, and many a morning spent in the woods, searching for every variety of game to be had. I dreamt of no rust, but lots of trust, with a lock so tight, I can cut with all my might. Yes, this new friend will be a welcome companion in my home, and in my pocket. I will see you soon #72, 440-c, AMERICAN ELK STAG.



Your trusted hunting, fishing, hiking, biking, working, and relaxing friend,

Johnny T



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I like the way you think Johnny.  (grin)

I didn't dream, because I couldn't sleep.  Too much to think about. 

I know I'm going to be "forced" into an extended camping trip to spend quality time with this knife.

Life is hard......

Dave, a camping trip?????

With a GEC #72 in Elk Stag.... my thoughts and prayers go out to you right now.

I'm sure you will make it through this tough time, but I want to be there for you, tell me when your ready to leave and I'll have my things packed.

What a beautiful dream.  I am sure sorry ya'll are being forced to go out into the wilderness but if anyone is up the challange it will be you!! (can i come along?)

If you enjoy the sound of snow falling softly through evergreens, if you find pleasure in a chilled autumn squirrel hunt, if the gobble of a spring turkey gets your blood pumping, if a trout stream sounds like your favorite song, if these things are what you like, then I say yes. Join our little camping trip.


But, we don't have to do those things I talked about.... we can do anything, just as long as we have our Elk Stag #72s in 440-c Stainless Steel.


You sure paint a wonderful picture!

Now that would be about the best outing ever!  Getting together in a beautiful and peaceful setting, sharing a campfire, thinking up all kinds of things to do with our knives and sharing our experiences. 

I can't think of a better way to spend quality time.

I can see it now, the smoke from our campfire drifting off to some unknown wilderness, the fresh caught trout sizzles on the hot flames. I'm loosing myself in the serene sound of beauty, I start to drift off... but now Dave starts opening and closing his GEC #72 Elk Stag scaled, 440-c blade again. I'm snapped awake by this melody... now I have to open and close my GEC Elk Stag, 440-c bladed, #72... thanks Dave.


Jan calls us all together, the trout our ready. She's filleted, and deboned all the fish with her GEC #72 Elk Stag, 440-c Stainless steel bladed knife. Everything is perfect.


Good fish Jan. 





Absolutely perfect! 

Johnny and I discuss knives while Jan does the work.

(But I know Johnny actually did the fillet work on those trout with his #12 Elk Toothpick and got them all ready for Jan to prepare.  And me?  I rustled up some kindling and shaved some fuzz sticks to start the fire with.  Johnny and I both took a hand in peeling and cutting the potatoes for deep frying to go with the trout and used our new #72's in Elk and 440-C to do it, comparing the respective merits of the Clip vs. the Wharncliffe blade for the job.  And when we hear the distinctive click of the blade on Jan's #72 locking into place we know we'd better pay attention because she's found another chore for us to do.  Donnie?  He's smart.  Sitting over in the shade and staying out of sight, but he'll make his appearance when the trout are done and the potatoes golden brown.)

Yep.  Perfect camp.

Yeah, thats it.

I musta dosed off there for a second.... sorry Dave.

But thanks for reminding me on how that all went down, it would explain the fresh scales on my #12.

Sounds like a plan to me.  Donnie just appears to be staying out of sight.  He's still catchin trout...Just one last cast

I know just the place


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