I dreamt of Elk Stag and Stainless, I dreamt of adventures to be made with this new friend. A beautiful sunrise on a placid lake, a chilled morning by a swift running stream, and many a morning spent in the woods, searching for every variety of game to be had. I dreamt of no rust, but lots of trust, with a lock so tight, I can cut with all my might. Yes, this new friend will be a welcome companion in my home, and in my pocket. I will see you soon #72, 440-c, AMERICAN ELK STAG.



Your trusted hunting, fishing, hiking, biking, working, and relaxing friend,

Johnny T



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Well, I've reserved a #72 Elk Stag GEC, guaranteeing that there will be adventures had between us. I look forward to it's actual burst onto the scene, but I'm patient. ;)



I'm thinking about buying one of the #72s with the red wine bone for EDC purposes. 

What do you think?

I think any of the new #72 Mini-Lockbacks would be an excellent choice.

I find they are not only a very useful EDC knife, but the handle choices this time around make them especially attractive as well, plus the choice of two practical blade styles.  There is a lot to like.

Dave, I'm really pumped about having one spoken for. I was afraid that with the ever growing popularity of the new #72s in 440-c, I might miss out on the chance to snag one. But, now I have it in my mind to grab two, and that Wine bone is really calling to me. Not sure yet, we'll see.


I can't wait to hear how you like your #72, it's gonna be a blast comparing notes. 

They are just as beautiful as I had hoped, I can't wait to get one. I really think these are gonna be sweet in the hand.
We are all looking forward to both of your stories on this new knife.  Share the pictures when you get your own!

I'll have pics to show right away, I hope to have a great report of GECs excellent quality as well. There is a chance that I was too late on reserving the Elk, but I'm hopeful everything will get sorted out. 



I have that stupid Red Red wine song, stuck in my head.

Red, red wine
stay close to me
Dont let me be alone
It's tearin apart
my blue, blue heart



I just dont know if that is best suited for the red or for the possibility of missing the elk.  I certainly hope you get one

I've been blessed with good company, someone is backing me up so I have a good feeling I'll be able to wrangle the Elk.

I do hope so at least, thats a dream knife for sure.




Jan, you have a great voice. ;)

I stumbled awake from my dream this afternoon, I was a bit blurry eyed but I found it, I found my Elk stag and Stainless.




I'll have more to say and show on the other thread.



Did you tell that new post delivery person that knives are a prioity?  Always to be delivered as soon as they arrive!!!

Jan, I figured I shouldn't complain at all, I'm just glad he didn't step on my Elk. :)



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