I like the idea Ian, or sort of KA-BAR answer to the SOG Trident...
The 'fuller' could be a place to open it with your thumbnail, and a wave open (like an emerson) would be nice, so long as it didn't change the overall look.
The mule? Yea, it does seem like a good design, and lock back, so no possibly dinky liner locks, but the Trident is assisted, so I'd like to see basically a Mule with either wave or assisted, and if assisted a thick liner lock.
And while some people will say you can get a thumbstud/hole open just as fast as an assisted/wave if you know how to, but a wave you have to snag, and thumbstud/hole you need to have a lot of thumb movement (with normal opening), but assisted you just need to engage it and, SHHNIK, you got yourself a nasty blade.
This helps you have a positive grip faster.
I've noticed when opening my Endura that my hand is lower than I want it to be right after opening, and having my hand higher prevents me getting it open, with assisted you could just flick it.
The only change I'd like to see is for them to steer away from so many coated knives. I would love to see more bare or polish finished knives. I know they aim for tactical non-reflective but think many of their current production knives would just look GREAT without the coatings. Yes they do offer some but IMHO, not enough.