I just got jumped on by somebody on "bladeforums" for asking what a balisong knife is worth ! what a bunch of bunk! anybody else have problems there? Im canceling my membership to bladeforums.com.

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Doug, I am glad you are here and I can't explain why some groups turn hostile toward a member. Sometimes things happen, but we do all possible to insure a good experience for every member here at iKC. It does not always work but we try. Knife Collectors share a common bond..we all love knives!
be sure you can ask any thing you want here and we will try to help.....
I am sorry you had that experience.  Stephen is correct, ask away.  Respecting your fellow knife collectors/makers is key here at IKC.  When you ask a question like that, it helps us learn also
Yeah glad to have you here at iKC.  I am sure i have asked my fair share of simple or newbie questions and all I have gotten are straight and honest answers.  I am here to learn as much as I am here to talk about knifes, and I think that goes for most of the people on this site.  Hope you enjoy it here.

I have also felt unwelcome on blade forum and I feel i know quite a bit about knives.  After over half a century on this planet, I've learned no matter how much you think you know, someone else knows more.  And no matter how ignorant you feel about a topic, some times you know the one thing everyone else didn't know.  


I'm here to ask questions about what I don't know and help others when I can.   you wanna tell us about that Butterfly, Doug?  I bet someone could help you out.

I think we are all here to enjoy more of our knife hobby and that's good knife people. Who cares who knows a little more on a given subject, lets just enjoy the learning of others as they learn more no matter what level they are on when it comes to knife knowledge. I certainly don't know alot about the cutlery hobby but I'm here to learn and meet good friends along the way.
I'm pretty new to all of this. I can tell you this much though. I have had a lot more fun here that any other place on the net. If someone is going to get in trouble for asking a question it will be me for sure.

For Blade Forum, I've set up news feeds to my email so that I get a list of new topics  for the groups that cover traditional pattern knives and Multi-tools (Swiss army knives).   On occasion I take a peek at these feeds to see what is going on.  Mostly I just delete.  I tend to ask questions here and at SharpFans.  I don't always get an answer but the same was true for AAPK and Blade Forums.


People typically join groups like this because they are A) new to the hobby B) isolated from other collectors C) Looking to learn more than they already know D) to share their enthusiasm for the Hobby.


As a person on the list you should not only expect all of the above but you should embrace it.

Doug, don't worry, and remember : someone who really knows his part, who is a true connoisseur, knows above all that he still has plenty to learn, so he is modest and never arrogant, mocking or contemptuous.
I agree. There's sooo much to learn and know about knives that there's ALWAYS something new to learn just about everyday.  Plus, there's so much to forget it's nice to have people refresh one's memory.......in a nice way. Besides, we're Blade-Brothers in Arms, we should act like family.

Craig Henry said:
I agree. There's sooo much to learn and know about knives that there's ALWAYS something new to learn just about everyday.  Plus, there's so much to forget it's nice to have people refresh one's memory.......in a nice way. Besides, we're Blade-Brothers in Arms, we should act like family.
We are "FAMILY", here at iKC.
I learn something new everytime I sign on here. I call everyone here  family. I was once told by an employer , don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't have the answer. That has always been with me since he said it. I've been in construction for 33 years and I still learn new things.

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