Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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Hope you had a great season.  Send us a pic of a blue wildbeest?

A nice blue wildebeest taken with a bow.Was pretty tuff though, had to finish it with a rifle.

Andre de villiers said:
Wow Andre, what a large animal to take on with a bow. The rifle kill shows good sport at the end. Congrats again! Tell us something about the hunt.

Man, and I was proud of a squirrel or two. : )

Congrats on that trophy, a great way to connect with the good in this world for sure.

Robert, when does Deer season start for you guys? 

I'm getting everything ready for this season, I'm getting in the mood for those early mornings and late evenings. 


The deer season in my area starts Nov. 12 for primitive rifle. We are all looking foward to it. We have been squirrel and rabbit hunting till it starts.



AWESOME and thanks for sharing the pics with us.  I agree with Robert, good sport!

Yes Wildebeest can be really tuff , even with a rifle.Hence there name {name Poor mans buffalo}

This one was no exception, arrow hit a little high, and he ran a long way before been put down with a 3006.

However, they are plentiful here in S Africa, and cheap to hunt.

Note this pic shows a Black wildebeest, which has odd shaped horns, and a little smaller than the Blue Wildebeest.This one was taken with my 7mm Rigby mauser. 

Wow, what a beauty, that caliber is very rare here in the USA. Congrats!

Pat, I am disabled and I hunt a little with a crossbow. The one I have has a built in crank to cock it with. It's at the camp right now but I think it's a Barnnet Wildcat. It shoots real fast. I'll get more info later. You hang in there good buddy.

A few of us managed some ducks and squirrels for super on our deer hunt. The wheather was warm and the deer had plenty of acorns to eat without moving much, that spelled poor deer hunting. Everyone still had a great time in the outdoors.



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