I was thinking we could have a IKC fishing contest for this spring and summer for our members. I know, you are probably saying how can we weigh fish and with different types of fish north and south east and west, well how can it be done.  Easy, It would not be the biggest but the Best Fishing Picture of one of our members for this fishing season. Yea, who has a great picture with them or their childern and of course a Fish. We could have a judge pick the best picture of the contest. The winner would get a knife of course. Please let me know if ya'll would be interested in it. I think it would be alot of fun. Lets talk the idea up and see what comes of it.

First Prize

Second Prize

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I hope to take some pictures  and post them when I get a chance. So please stay tuned in...lol

Hey gang, I finally made a fishing trip in the Basin today. We caught a good batch of pan fish, we will enjoy eating them as much as we enjoyed catching them. I fished in Big Alabama Bayou, there was alot of people fishing today, all having fun on this big spring holiday.

Yeah, thats what I'm talking about.

Robert is back and back with a bang.

Looks like you had an awesome time on the water. The view is beautiful and the fish look good and tasty. That #54 is looking better and better everyday. That gator looks like an old dinosaur walking across the water.

Thanks Johnny, only the second table of fish is mine, the first one with the blue ice chest is my cousins fish. That little gator was sunny himself and I had to take the picture a little far thats why the picture is blurry. My pictures don't count in the contest, I'm just posting to help get things going. Lets see some fishing pictures people!

Looks like a good day on the water Robert.  Thanks for sharing it with us.  Now can I have some fish please?

Gettin Ready for the Big iKC fishing contest, certainly want to look my best

I wish I could send ya'll some fish, I give alot away. I hope things really get going, if there is any thing I can do to start a spark in the contest please let me know.

Ok anglers, theres a knife on the line for a great fishing photo, I know with over 3000 members we should beable to get a few good pictures. Hey don't be afraid to post some pictures.

Look for some updates this weekend folks...some photos of the Top prize and........................

So anyone interested in what the prizes are??


Well ready or not folks the first place prize photo is hereStay tuned and get your fishing gear ready...there are more prizes to come

Just got back from camp yesterday, I got a few pics and some stories. I will get working on them ASAP.

Thanks guys


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