Got a knife with someone else's name or initials on it? If so, show it to us-

If you know anything about the person or where he/she lived and when- that'll make it even better.

Tags: carved, engraved, initials, names, whittled

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I'll start us off- I have one. It's a Case Brothers (c.1900- 1915) Little Valley, NY Stag toenail with Eli Faber engraved on the shield. The guy I bought it from said the knife came out of an estate in Manistee, MI, which may or may not be where Faber was from.

Any help running this down is greatly appreciated! This is one of my favorite toenails :)

The Eli Faber all over the internet is a highly published jewish professor of History at John Jay college...This is current information, but may your Eli Faber is a relative?
Wait...I think I may have found your guy.

Manistee County MI Archives Photo Tombstone.....Faber, Eli J.
Copyright. All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Jerry Stege jstege@charter.net August 3, 2008, 12:45 am

Cemetery: Mt. Carmel Catholic Cemetery
Name: Eli J. Faber

Date Of Photograph: July 2008
Photo can be seen at:
Image file size: 41.7 Kb

Block H, lot 9; Faber lot:
--Cretchell, Vina F. (23 Jun 1894-18 Sep 1956)
--Faber, Andrew W. (12 Sep 1858-8 May 1937)
--Faber, Eli J.
Pvt US Army
Aug. 2, 1888-Sep 24, 1974
--Faber, Eva A. (13 Mar 1856-21 Mar 1950)
--Faber, Roy A. (24 Apr 1884-31 Dec 1962)
--Faber, Willie J. (25 Apr 1886-11 Sep 1887)

File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/mi/manistee/photos/tombstones/mountca...

This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/mifiles/

File size: 1.1 Kb
Holy Moly. Unbelievable, Robert! I'll dig deep and check it out. Thanks! That is him.

I found the writer guy when I searched too, but knew he wasn't the right one. This one though has to be. It matches the city where the estate was that had it. Great job. Now I just want to see what else I can learn about him :) Really do appreciate it.

If you like this I have one more I need help on- "R. Ryse Indianapolis, Indiana" It was a business. Probably a hardware store, but don't know that for sure. They gave away Platts Swellcenters with the shield stamped with their name and "complements of...."
I'd love to know the year's they were in business :)....if you can help.

Apparently, R. Ryse was a sportsman, here is an article that mentions an R. Ryse from Indianapolis from Sporting Life dated Nov 8, 1802. Hopefully, he wasn't the one shot by one of the others...
Now that knife can REALLY talk to you...
WOW! that is some great information, great job with the reasearch.
You guys are so good- what can you help me find out about this one?
It's a W R Case stamped Jumbo Swellcenter. The masterblade is etched H P McTeer & Bro
I haven't been able to find anything out about them. I'm guessing this knife was made after Platts merged with Case (post 1905)

How about this one. Doggone thing came from the factory like that. It's the Crandall Prototype made by Paul Lipps. COA and everything. Or would that count?


ABSOLUTELY... and one day someone's gonna wanta track down who this Uncle Jim guy was, you know. :)
Hey Robert, thanks to your help, I've found at a little more about Eli. I'll post at CNJ about it one day.
Found out some more on Ryse. His company sold "Trustee Supplies" to school teachers. He also made high quality state maps.

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