Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12367

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Added these knives to my collection since my last post: some are older GEC's and the Scagel is made by GEC.

Also picked up two non-GEC's lately at Randall's annual sale. Have to wait about a month before they get to come home though. Johnny, I had to help the local economy a little with these two.

Keep breathing Johnny, keep breathing. Look away from the screen son, pretend they are GEC knives. 

Wow, that was tough. Tom, I would be lying if I said I didn't love both of those knives. Great buys Tom, they look fantastic. 

Tom that's the two Moose knives I like the most. I am waiting on the Primitive Bone to arrive and may get the Cocobolo also. There's another little sweetie that might get instead. What do you think of that Scagel?


Well we will celebrate your getting new knives even if they are not GEC. LOL


Those are some sweet Beavertails.  Good shot on the bottom one, real nice color on that wood

Johnny, thanks fella. More than anyone I know you need one of these RMK's. We won't tell anyone at GEC!

Robert, I like both of the Scagels alot. I didn't like the slotted pull until I used it and it beats just about breaking a nail. I wish that I would have gotten in on them earlier though. The one dealer that I've found that has them only has pictures of one side of each knife. The back side of that Barehead Jack (which is built on GEC's #73 frame) is nowhere near as nice as the front. I also got a smooth oiled bone #48 Scagel with a clip blade and I really like it. They are pretty pricey though but they do come with a knife slip/case. They are convex ground so I don't know if I need to do anything special to sharpen them?

Jan Carter said:

It appears to be raining PB's at my home this week

Very nice Jan!!! Some excellent examples of fine PB there!

Jan, thats a beauty.

I really like that Calf Roper, great knife.

Tuna, Great beavertails, those are a couple of perfect patterns too.

Tom, I'll get one, next year, or the year after, or so on, but I'll get one. 


You will just have to come to FL for their annual show/sale.  Your always welcome


This is one beautiful knife.  Thanks for sharing.  I just sent off my article which will be out July 1st on the movie knives, The Expendables and the as of yet unknown knives in the movie, "The Expendables 2".

will they be in blade?


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