Our own Steven Williams recently gave away his enitre collection of new, in the box RR Collection to a cause he beleives strongly in. He did this to allow them the opportunity to auction, door prize...whatever to earn money for that cause.  Donnie creates knives for fun and gives away a good many of them, to younger folks, good causes...whatever strikes his fancy. Knife collecting is one of the only hobbies I know of where folks will give up a cherished item from their collection, buy something just to give away and put a lot of thought into who will be the next person to love an object :)   

That started to make me think...

So tell me, if you could give a knife to any one person or organization in your life what would it be, who and why?

I know my answer but would very much like to hear yours.

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I haven't given away a knife or knives to an organization, but I'm always giving away knives to friends, neighbors and relatives.  Why? Hmmm.....because I like giving stuff to people, and I love knives and think everyone should have lots of knives. LOL!

I give knives to work associates that I respect .. usually for their selfless giving of their knowledge .. and I’ve always tried to make it something they’ll use ..or.. for those who don’t use a knife, something quite unique.

I’ve given knives to all my nieces & nephews .. in the hopes that their use will spur an ongoing interest .. in those sharp pointy things we all like.


I give knives to those I love .. simply because .. I love them !!!


They are not all appreciated ..but.. that doesn’t matter. The ones that are appreciated make up for the ones that are not.


I could quite literally carry a different knife in my pocket for over 3 yrs w/o repeating a single one  ..and..  @ this stage in my life .. I get far more joy from the smiles elicited by the giving than I do my fondling of the sharp pointy thing I just gave away.

Nice topic, Jan !!!

We agree Dale and Craig.

The smile received from the gift is more precious than the object.  If I could gift specific knives it would be to the girl scouts.  Seems when I was coming up, the boy scouts always had their own knives.  We girls on the other hand had about three for the troop and always shared.  We had badges for fitness, fashion and silly things like that but the boys got to earn badges for knife safety.

So if I could gift to any organization it would be the girl scouts, cause girls like knives too :)

this is a GREAT topic Jan..2 years ago, my oldest son graduated high school, and applied for the air force...well in the meen time, I got him a job at my work.well,..this really breaks my heart, but, he got his hand caught in a machine and lost it.It happened to be his right hand, which was his main hand..So, I went to work trying to find him a knife that he could not only open,but that he could use and close, without hurting himself and that he found comfy...My task is not over,..but his favorite so far is a sig tac  pteradactyl,but it is too big for pocket carrying...but it does have a pocket clip that can be mounted on either side.He likes the case russlock, but it gets hung in his pocket from time to time...so to shorten  a long story,I would probably give to a veterans group that would make sure that some young military person {male or female} would get something that they could treasure and USE! because, as i know first hand, no pun intended...it is very difficult to find a knife that fits the bill when life throws a curve ball at ya! ......Jeff Powell      but, not just for someone with an injured hand, as in our case,  but, anyone injured that putting a smile on their face, just makes your day!!!


It can certainly be a challenge when something like that happens.  It effects so much and even the accomplishments afterwards become Victories.  I am glad you have found one he likes, tell me about the russlock.  You say it gets caught in his pocket?  So a moveable clip is important in his every day use.  I like your idea for the veterans, finding a knife that fits whatever their need is would indeed be a very  worthy endeavor and a small way to say thanks for your service!

hey jan,

Yes,I believe that,no matter the style of knife,some injured person could find ALOT of enjoyment whittling on a piece of cedar!In our case it happened to be his hand, which made the knife a bit tricky to find the right one. The russlock has a long wing-like tab on the blade,and it gets hung in his pocket .I believe more so, because of reaching across his torso and taking it in and out of his pocket with his left hand.As far as the clip on the sig,. the only reason the clip was important to be movable, is,..most pocket clips can be mounted only on one side,..many for right handers, ..it is not.He only had to put it on the side for his left hand.and it is ambedextrious as far as a thumb stud. I wanted to give him a whittler {GEC} but the ones I have were too hard for him to open.I do want to try and loosen one up...He might fall in love with one with a lanyard that he could get in and out easily,  and I dont know why I didnt think of that before now!I belive I have one that I got from Mike,that has a lanyard hole.Anyhow,..this topic made me think of the vets or vet hospital ,I believe that is where I would  give a knife away to!....thanks again...Jeff

Jeff .. I posted a comment on your page .. re: left-handed Mikov auto's ..  D ale.

hence the ONE ARM MANS KNIFE... made by RUSSELL... knife ,fork and spoon with auto button...nice piece and

thinking of soldier all the way around... 

Jan Carter said:


It can certainly be a challenge when something like that happens.  It effects so much and even the accomplishments afterwards become Victories.  I am glad you have found one he likes, tell me about the russlock.  You say it gets caught in his pocket?  So a moveable clip is important in his every day use.  I like your idea for the veterans, finding a knife that fits whatever their need is would indeed be a very  worthy endeavor and a small way to say thanks for your service!

organization-wounder warriors

personal -MOM-entire BRAND NEW TRUE KITCHEN CUTLERY SET. from cleaver to carver! 

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