What do you have on you right now? Let me see your EDC blade.

Do you ever answer the question of "Do you have a knife on ya?" with "I got pants on don't I."  


I would love to see what everyone has in their pocket right now.  No cheating.  Post your every day carry knife and lets see what we all enjoy having on our person.

Tags: Carry, Day, Every

Views: 5278

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You're correct Alexander.

But I'm torn. I might have to start carrying my GEC #33 in burnt sienna tomorrow! I'm so fickle with knives! LOL!

I know how you feel....every day picking what to carry is a battle....but a glorious one!

Okay, I did it. I'm carrying my new #33 in burnt sienna. There goes the collector value! LOL!

I always enjoy this topic. Today I had on me a Queen Cutlery gunstock and a Mcusta Tactility with black micarta handles.

Today I am carrying 2 of the finest Chinese made Knives I have held in hand to date. The Kershaw RJI and the Spyderco Kiwi. Both have the chinese blade steel 8CR13MOV, which will suffice for any daily work related tasks I need fulfilled. Normally I have 20 employees ready to open anything i need opened, so at times I need to sneak out of my office to cut anything.

Also @ the $20 I paid for the RJI on Ebay and the fact the Kiwi was a freebie, make carrying an using these 2 knives a pleasure.

I like that Queen Gunstock Alexander!

Thanks Craig, it's probably my favourite knife in my collection. Not the most expensive by a long shot. But I liked it so much that I figured I'd never get rid of it. And since I'd never get rid of it it deserved a bit of embellishment so I got it engraved by the Hudson Engraver.

The thread that just wouldn't DIE!! (I really like this thread so I thought I'd resurrect it)

Today for me it was this lovely A.G. Russell white bone lockback with ATS-34 blade and my Tim Britton medium Avatar in goldlip Pearl and BG-42

Benchmade 583-1 WARN/Barrage and my new fave Schrade USA 7-OT


I like EDC threads as well.

Right now, this one................

Maybe soon, this one...............

Alexander Noot said:

The thread that just wouldn't DIE!! (I really like this thread so I thought I'd resurrect it)

Today for me it was this lovely A.G. Russell white bone lockback with ATS-34 blade and my Tim Britton medium Avatar in goldlip Pearl and BG-42

Same old, Same old... for over a year now.  I guess EDC really means Everyday Carry!

Vic Spartan Lite with hunter green plus scales and a Vic Midnite Manager and a ever faithful P-38 & bottle opener

Some day, I'll need to take a picture of the EDC emergency kit I also carry just about everywhere.

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