Any fans of the #25 Barlow and Jack Knife? Pictures?

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I love my little Wharnie!

Nice stag! And a Wharncliffe to boot! Is it a user?

Yep, it's a user. But mainly I like to fondle it like a worry stone. These 25's are quite small.

I have a #26 Sleeveboard, BUT, I feel a #25 movement coming on! 

Well, if you already have a #26 Sleeveboard then you know how small 3" is. Here's a pic of my #25 in the palm of my hand...

I think that 3.25" or 3.50" is a more practical size. But, like I said, I do like to roll this little guy around in my hand. I have almost been tempted to round off the edges on the butt of that stag to conform more closely to the roundness of the bolsters. But that stag is just too pretty to chance ruining it on a whim. So, at least for now, I'll leave it be. I do like the Wharncliffe blade on mine, though!

I like that size of knife. It fits in the jeans coin pocket good. How much wider is it than the Sleeveboard?

Since I don't have a #26 to compare it to, I can't really speculate as to whether the #25 is wider or not?

Does yours have the thinner secondary blade spring? The early ones had the same thickness secondary spring as the main blade.

The secondary blade spring appears to be slightly thinner. My old eyes play tricks on me, though. So here are a few views that should allow you to arrive at your own conclusion...

It is definitely smaller from my perspective. And, that's what I would place my money on if I were a betting man.

Nice Ron! THANKS! Yep it's the thinner one. The 25 doesn't look too much thicker than the 26! Just a small bit. I like it!

Since we're all enablers around here, I'm gonna go ahead and encourage you to get one! Just do it!

You twisted my arm. Now, to wait until the new production run is at the dealers.............


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