I buy knives because I like knives. I sell knives to help pay for the knives. I trade knives to get better knives than the ones that I have, I have a display case in my living room, I don't think she likes it very much. She goes with when I go out on the hunt. I think she goes not because she likes it but because she thinks I'm going to spend to much money, Tell you what though. If she picks out a knife that she likes there is no way that knife is going to stay there. Whether it is cheap ugly or what. she is going to get it.

The guys that I work with think that I'm a but strange. That's ok I know I am. Most of them Have knives that they can be carrying 20 years from now. If they take care of them they will still looking good and still working good. The thought makes me smile. Every once in a while I'll pull one out of my collection. They only go to very special people though. Most knives that go into the case stay in the case.

Keeps me busy but its fun. Anyone else have this problem?

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Not to sure what I did wrong. it was right side up when I put it in there.

That sounds very familiar. I do the very same thing with knives and guns. I spend a lot of money on them.

BUT....I don't go out to bars and drink...(anymore)...I would if I could! I don't play golf which requires the purchase of a golf cart ($3000.00), and a trailer to pull it ($800.000, or golf clubs $ ???.??) and actually I don't have the balls for golf..(golf ball that is). No Country Club dues ($2500.00 plus $250.00 per month)...and I don't feel that I "need" a home on the fairway ($800,000.00 was the cost of the last one I built for a local gynecologist).

I don't own a speed boat anymore ($17,500.00 plus gas, skis, flotation devices, license, taxes, winterizing, boat slip, marina cost, boat trailer ($1200.00), etc.

I don't own any REAL collector cars to restore to the tune of $35,000.00 each.....plus a $25,000.00 garage to store them.

I don't have a mistress.....that can cost you EVERYTHING you thought you owned.

There are a LOT of things that I don't do. I stay home every night. No gambling on boys' night out. I don't teach country and western dancing anymore, and have retired my high dollar cowboy dancing boots and hats. I've still got the trophies from the "Two-Step" contest on national TV.

I quit collecting antiques. I sold my slot machine to "American Pickers"

All my Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down.

I don't hunt for sport...just for food. Sold my Travel Trailer too. Sold my Harley.

Actually the money I spend on knives and guns is just a drop in the bucket in comparison to what I use to spend.

Life is great after you retire.   TANKER

Yep, sounds familiar! I don't do much anymore of anything, just stay home, look for knives and play on the computer looking for knives or talkin' bout them. I do work and the guy I work with and a couple friends that hang out at the shop all collect knives and plan on workin' til 70 so got bout eight years left to play at work and have show and tell knife time with friends!

The wife tolerates and comes with me to shows out of town.

Knife collecting is a nice, clean and rewarding hobby. There are far worst things a person can do, besides, collect knives. If your purchases are with in your income, there is nothing wrong with this hobby, that I can see. 

As the other side of the partnership i always find this discussion interesting.  I started out being the one that went with him to shows and all because, well I just wanted to be with him while he did something he truly enjoyed.

I would look at jewelry, talk with folks, look at a few knives. While researching a knife for Donnie I found a passion for knives myself and I have never looked back.  I agree with all of you, there are many things you could collect that cost more, take up more space and involve the spouse more than knife collecting. We are either home so I can be on the site, at work or we are at a show and I have mobile devices to stay involved here.

Lee, just keep encouraging her by getting the knife she likes

Michael, your are oh so right about collecting mistresses LOL

You want to get a really good look from your spouse?  Tell them you want to but a knife community.  I should have had a camera for that one

Only have half your problems, Lee.
I buy and I keep...

Well I keep enough of them to get me in trouble. I just tell her that I need to hold them for a while to find out what there worth. lol

ROFL!  As long as it works

This may not be the proper place to post this but here goes:

What should you do if you send $120.00 to Kent Lillis in Torrence, CA .....for a Hackman Finland "CIA" knife and you don't receive your merchandise. He won't return emails. In four days it will be a month since the purchase.

Do any of you know Kent Lillis? I saw where he once posted on this forum but is not listed as a member.

I've collected knives for many years, about 50, and this is the first time I've encountered fraud.

I suppose it's time to call the authorities? 

If you paid with a credit card call the credit card company.
Michael E. Roper said:

This may not be the proper place to post this but here goes:

What should you do if you send $120.00 to Kent Lillis in Torrence, CA .....for a Hackman Finland "CIA" knife and you don't receive your merchandise. He won't return emails. In four days it will be a month since the purchase.

Do any of you know Kent Lillis? I saw where he once posted on this forum but is not listed as a member.

I've collected knives for many years, about 50, and this is the first time I've encountered fraud.

I suppose it's time to call the authorities? 

Lee, the credit card company has already issued a refund pending the seller's response. Glad I paid with a credit card.

Lee Smith said:

If you paid with a credit card call the credit card company.
Michael E. Roper said:

This may not be the proper place to post this but here goes:

What should you do if you send $120.00 to Kent Lillis in Torrence, CA .....for a Hackman Finland "CIA" knife and you don't receive your merchandise. He won't return emails. In four days it will be a month since the purchase.

Do any of you know Kent Lillis? I saw where he once posted on this forum but is not listed as a member.

I've collected knives for many years, about 50, and this is the first time I've encountered fraud.

I suppose it's time to call the authorities? 

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