Bring us your pictures, great and small.  Bring just one or bring them all.  Be you Irish or be you not.  Just be sure to show us what Irish theme you've got (include a knife in the picture now ya'll)

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Nice Sue.  Any knife can enter, just Irish them in your Photo!

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
PS:  My ggggGrandfather, John Knowles, was born in County Antrim, Ireland on July 4, 1749.  He fought in an Irish rebellion.  The British were going to hang him.  He got away and made it to the colonies.  He then served in the army during our revolution.  He then was either the first sheriff or deputy to the first sheriff of White County, Tennnessee (conflicting information as to definitely which.)

Thats an excellent family history there Charles!  You surely have some fine Irish in you

here are a couple of celtic sock knives and a skiiner with antler and brass wire


a couple large knives i have done with celtic work


Sue is sure showin off her green!  Good work Sue

If ya'll already have a Hat there are options...Want an iKC coffee mug or a Bumper sticker?

Do you want to meet a Navy Seal?  Well do you punk?  Then highjack a ship!  Matt, an Irishman and retired Navy Seal, is holding the SOG Tiger Shark.  Matt and some brother former and retired Navy Seals contract protecting ships going through the Gulf of Aden.

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