How does your spouse react to yet another knife being purchased?

I have discovered that I like many of you have a passion for  knives.  Very soon in the collection process you acquire more knives then you need for EDC.  How does your spouse react when the Mail or UPS drives delivers your newest Knife???????????

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We are of the "Don't ask/Don't tell" philosophy on each others spending habits. I've so many, that she would think I am rotating usage.

I tell them I won the prize for  best dancing customer at  the strip club.  She says  "Why don't you ever take me dancing?" I say " is there a knife in it for me?"


There's this too - http://www.iknifecollector.com/profiles/blogs/approval-or-a-secret-...

My wife approves COMPLETELY with my knife hobby (and all other hobbies I've ever had). In fact she has had her own knife collection at times over the years. But no matter what I'm into, she has always felt that having a hobby of some kind is healthy, and is even willing to sacrifice other stuff in our lives to have the hobbies. But then again, she has also had various hobbies over the years besides a knife collection. Also we believe in the old saying; "An idle mind is the devil's playground" especially when it comes to kids.

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