Remember the bosses rules for the porch; "No Cussin, No Spittin and sweep up your whittlin shavings".

Views: 1994

Replies to This Discussion

Steve Hanner said:

Maybe we should put a disclaimer in?...Winner need not be present? he, he, maybe not No one would show up and what fun is that!

J.J. Smith III said:

May or may not get to be around on Friday.  Headin to Atlanta for another NAGA competition.That is one professional looking sign!

Well hope everyone who wanted to got their Count the Queen Number in! No matter what will be a fun time around the chat room tonite. Can't wait to see what the boys show....hmm wonder what they will have as Featured picks?

We'll have internet, so I'm taking the new tablet to try out.
Don't know about seeing the show, yet, but chat might be doable. If not, I'll be there in spirit.

Remember, I guessed 6. Like they'll stop with 6.

This is a store near here on 378 hwy before you get to Mr Bunkys. Bobby Nunnley ran it . He was a hoot. Crazy Guy. Crazy place.

The guy who said, "If it was in a bottle I drank it," is Jimmy Rose. he told the truth. I should have recorded his stories. Jimmy was a Jerry Clower. He quit drinking when he married Nancy. There are some stories abour Bobby and Jimmy

This was a long time back. It's now a bar, pool room and pizza joint.


Bad link,  try this one...



Ok thats funny...no bones and "lip-smacking" good! Wash down with jack rabbit milk!

J.J. Smith III said:

Bad link,  try this one...



Well I had a blast looking at that Beloit Auction Site http://www.beloitauction.com/ . If you activated the sound you could here the auctioneer making the call. Everything went for 50-$100 I would say with many mixed lots. The Remington Bullet knives (3 of them) went for like $30. Somebody got a good deal! i was not able to stay on it for the whole thing but it sure looked like fun. I still say folks there, in person have the advantage of looking up close at those knives. Hard to fully duplicate on line.

Recently we had a new member join us Mr. Steve Koontz, http://www.iknifecollector.com/profile/SteveKoontz?xg_source=profil... veteran of SMKW for 26 years, now starting a business called Professional Cutlery Associates. He is good guy and a very knowledgeable one about knives so be sure and say Hi share friendship with him.

Hey any questions you have about the history of iKnife Collector, questions about the whereabouts of a certain member or Group, just email me directly and I will give you an honest confidential answer. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

Nice to see that Steve has joined us.

Darn, that was last? I forgot to tune in, I guess.

Be sure to tune in tonight then, Robert.

Had a great time last night as usual watching KnivesLiveTV and with Tony's Birthday and Michael at NKM and Jan teamed up to get him a big ol Birthday cake. I imagine they saved a knife to use to cut that thing into slices! Sure was fun also to have Tony Bose drop by for a few minutes and say Hi!

Also had a Husband and wife team(Steve and Linda) on chat last night and so funny to hear their comments. I swear one tried to trade the other for a knife. You have to love husband and wife collecting!

More fun stuff in the works and who knows what great things will happen next!

Lots of new members joining, if you have a friend who is collecting knives, get them/him to join in the fun!

Can you believe all the new members joining this new fangled iKnife Collector. I'll be... and all the pictures and discussions all a-goin on! And just what is a Blog anyway?...don't know but there are a ton of them!


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