We always hear the phrase "Sharp enough to shave with". It is something a knife owner takes pride in. Knives were meant to cut so let's see how sharp we can get them and keep them that way. Knives come from the factory with a sharp edge but most are not shaving sharp. Shaving sharp is a learned skill. I personally use a Lansky sharpening system but am looking at a new Wicked Edge system I learned about here.

But is shaving sharp used anymore in everday life? I recently sought out a barber who does an old fashioned shave with a straight razor. I would have never thought of this before joing iKC. But being a member has spurred in me a sense of longing to learn everything about cutlery. Talk about blindly following someone! So I went to the source of the shaving subject, a barber. The results were amazing! After the barber spent time reassuring me that he had done this before, I relenquished my exposed and soaped neck. As soon as the edge touched my skin I knew this was the point of no return. What a phrase to think about when a stranger has a razor at your throat. At the first upward stroke I was in awe. So smooth. Such an effortless movement. The stubble was cleanly removed! As soon as I realized I was not in a slasher movie and my widow was not going to be contacted by police, I settled down to enjoy my first shave from a barber.

Why did I do this?? I have acquired several razors over the past couple of years. They are usaually in among knives or such items of interest. I realized I had "collected" a small gathering of straight razors. Interesting pieces. Rich with history. Full of mistique. We can all remember movies with the likes of Clint Eastwood having at least a weeks worth of brush sythed from his face by a barber who also needed a shave. So here I am with these straight razors from yesteryear. I have seen new razors advertised in today's catalogs but I am wondering, do they sell with the advent of the safety and disposable razors.

Does anyone else have razors floating in the knife collections? Does anyone have a collection of razors? I'll start off with one from Clauss Shear works of Fremont, Ohio made prior to 1919. Anyone else??

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Thanks Chuck. I'll tell you, it's more comfortable. More fun and it saves me a bundle in new razorblades. Took a little while to learn but like Craig said there's loads of Video's on the net on how to and everything. Wasn't like that in 2005 when I started doing it. Hardly anything back then.

Yes Robert and thank you so much for the information!! I've already set it into my research documents.
Robert Burris said:

Chuck, did you find my list of different blade grinds, that I mistakenly posted on the Blog Post, "My Favorite Handles" by Stanley May. It's on the clubs main page. Check it out.

I don't have the nerve to try a straight razor without an EMS crew standing by.

Craig, I'm with ya on that one! There are things better left to professionals like surgery, dynamite, and straight razor shaving. Although Alexander Noot uses one every day. He's my hero!! I have several razors and my add more but I will probably never buy a strop. That will help keep me from getting silly thoughts.
Craig Henry said:

I don't have the nerve to try a straight razor without an EMS crew standing by.

I'm not so brave either, to put a straight razor on my throat, with some what dis-abled arms. That's why I grow a beard...lol

For me, this is in the category of "don't try this at home".

Like I said, I had a professional shave me once. The only reason was she was a lady and really had a crush on me so I knew she would be very careful. However.....I almost fainted when I received word she had died from a drug overdose. I then started sweating when I remebered I had allowed a drug addict (unknown to me at that time) to take an extremely sharp object and place it against my throat while I smiled.  Oh Lord, thank you for watching over fools!!!!

I'm with you Robert. I have a weak left arm because of nerve damage in my neck. And, nowadays in my old fartedness, I'm afraid my hand would do something on it's own I wasn't intending for it to do......and it would be just as I got to my throat. Or, I'd drop it and cut the top of my foot open.

Yea Craig, I know what you mean. I quit using an electric knife years ago for that same reason. I have friends that use an electric knife to filet fish, I am scared to use one. If my arm does something on it's own, then I might just cut my finger a little, but if I'd be using the electric knife I might just cut my finger off a little. lol I can keep up pretty good until I get tired but heck, I enjoy using my knives, so I don't consider it a "job" to clean fish, but part of the fun of the fishing trip.

It's fun getting old, isn't it? LOL!

Lord help those who try to decide for me at some later time that I am too old to be playing with sharp objects! It won't be pretty!

I agree. Not pretty at all. I'll have drool dripping down my chest, but you better let me have my knives! LOL!

Chuck Parham said:

Lord help those who try to decide for me at some later time that I am too old to be playing with sharp objects! It won't be pretty!

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