What system do you have for displaying and recording your knives.

For me: I photograph each knife and as of now they are in two rolls and various other places. I am running out of room. I have either got to get another roll or do something different.

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Here is what I have now.


Something like this may work for you, Ken. Still fine tuning the idea, but it has potential, and is a cheap option. Looks like you have quite a few that could be hung up, so a few of these may be helpful.

I have a computer prgram my wife bought for me that enables me to record all of my knives with 5 pics and so many detailed information fields to fill in and even some blank fields to customize. A great catalog tool and perfect for the insurance company!! The program was only $15.

I have a "Cutlery Cavern."   Where most of my collection resides. It is kept in cabinets or displayed on shelves or hung on the wall. The cavern is temperature and humidity controlled.  I have my knives cataloged in an extensive Excel spread sheet.

There are also secondary excel sheets kept for just my camp/utility, militray, Swiss Army, and Rough Riders.

The collection is about to tip the 400 mark. This includes everything from $10 Rough Riders to  WWII era pocket knives.  Even oddities like a Queen prototype made for SMKW but never put in production. High price, low price, or can't determine a price, they all reside side by side in the Cutlery Cavern.

I don't bother recording my knives anymore. But I am in the process of getting them displayed in cabinets.

Okay, Craig.  I've got about 400 recorded.  I've probably got a about another 50-100 that I didn't see a reason to record for one reason or another.  These reside in a couple  junk drawer also in the cutlery cavern. I also from time to time go through my excel sheet and remove some of the knives that have been recorded, typically because they have proven to be worthless.  For instance, just about anything bearing the brand name Royal Crest and/or Ideal Knife Company! 

(oh and if you are a collector of Royal Crest and/or Ideal knives do not be offended by this remark.  Instead email me and for the price of shipping and handling I'll send you the ones I have!  LOL)

Tobias, I sure would like to see that Cutlery Cavern, be sure and post pics so we all can enjoy it with you.

Ken, I've got some older ones floating around but do need to get some updated photos up.  The collection is always getting rearranged. I'm currently  expanding the display area.

Tobias, just a suggestion: how about posting your older ones, I am sure they are interesting and then when you get ready you can post the newer ones - a before and after posting. Don't mean to cause you work, but it sure sounds neat.

Chuck, would you be willing to share the name of that program?  I might like it myself.

Chuck Parham said:

I have a computer prgram my wife bought for me that enables me to record all of my knives with 5 pics and so many detailed information fields to fill in and even some blank fields to customize. A great catalog tool and perfect for the insurance company!! The program was only $15.

Charles, the site for the computer software program is     http://kbt-collector-s-database.software.informer.com/   It's a great program and has made keeping inventory for insurance and personal reasons a snap! Check it out!! 

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