I found a wonderful article by Tobias Gibson on the Internet today:  "A Pocket Guide to Knives:  Who Owns Who".  Here is the link:


Tobias has saved folks a lot of time researching where knives are made and who makes them.  Maybe Jan or other Admin. can figure out how to post the whole thing here on iKC so the resource is "in house" for folks to access, assuming Tobias wouldn't mind.

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thank you Howard! Well I think we have it somewhere but so far I have not found it. In any event thanks for posting that...its good enough to be in a few places if we need it! With the way cutlery is changing you do need a scorecard!

Hope you find it, that will be interesting. That was a great article by Tobias on that site - thanks.

Yes, Tobias is one of our great members.

Absolutely, Robert!  And if folks click on the link, while Steve is looking for the source on iKC, they will see just how much work Tobias did.  In the meantime, folks can "Bookmark" the page for easy access.

Robert Burris said:

Yes, Tobias is one of our great members.

OH hang on I know where it is


It was in the Bladesmith Babes research Group!  I knew right where to go because I am one of the folks that Tobias has saved countless hours of searching :)

As always....THANKS TOBIAS

Good find Jan! I knew I saw that somewhere! Now we will have it in at least two spots which is good!


It is the same link I posted up top.

Steve Hanner said:

Good find Jan! I knew I saw that somewhere! Now we will have it in at least two spots which is good!

Thanks for the kind words Howard, et al.  The Who Owns Who, while grammatically incorrect started off as a list of what brands were owned by Jim Frost or Kevin Pipes and has slowly grown.  It is part of my "A Pocket Guide to Knives" which is actually website  designed to help the novice and intermediate knife collector. (I suppose it can be helpful to the advanced collector as well)  I need to do some updating on the site as the state of the knife industry is always in motion.

The good news is I've  recently added about 20 more knife makers (primarily European) that ARE NOT OWNED by Jim Frost!  As I mention on the site if there is current knife maker that you would like me to add, email me and I will see what I can do.  If you are a knife maker and want to be listed, I'm cool with that, however I will not link to web page or list a phone number or address. You will be listed similar to this:

Brand   Yukon Knives Owner/TM   Barry Drury
Country, Place of Manufacture:   Canada (Yukon Territory)
Product notes:   Hand-crafted hunting and fishing knives plus some folding knives.

I'm also in the process of getting more information on blade steel. If you have looked at that section you will notice that I try to compare the trade names used by certain brands to the better known steels such as 440A , 1095 Carbon steel, etc. But please understand I'm not a metallurgist, I'm a trained researcher. I read numerous sources and the try to synthesize the information into something that the average person can understand but in the end it is still just one person's opinion. (but I feel it is an informed opinion)

Another section of the Guide is the Lexicon. (Old fashioned word for dictionary.)  Go there to find the definitions of different knife terms, patterns, parts, etc. Almost anything in the Blade Steel FAQ is in the Lexicon as well.

It'll be nicer once I get around to adding more pictures.  Unfortunately my job keeps getting in the way of my hobby!

If nothing else, the site is place to waste an hour or two when you have nothing else to do.

Thanks Tobias, a great piece of reference work.

It' a pleasure not to have someone arguing about each point. I know you took a lot of your personal time to help us out and we appreciate it. Thanks again Tobias.

I easily spent an hour on your site yesterday.  A fantastic resource!  Thank you for all the work you put into it.

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